King James Version Bible (KJV) With Apocrypha PDF
King James Version Bible (KJV) With Apocrypha PDFJesus orders his disciples to keep his true identity, as the Messiah, a secret. We might wonder why this should be. One answer to this is that many of the people of whom we read in the Bible were hoping for and expecting the coming of the Messiah, who would lead the Jewish people to freedom, and yet their expectation – of a new judge or great warrior king – was not in accord with Christ’s true purpose, namely to serve and to suffer and so to save [ … ]
Psalm 109 is unique and challenging. This psalm is often classified as one of the ‘imprecatory’ psalms due to its intense language of cursing and calls for judgment against the psalmist’s enemies. The psalm stands out for its raw emotion and the stark contrast it presents to the more familiar themes of praise and worship found in other psalms [ … ]