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KJV Psalms | Psalm 22/21 | King James Bible | My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me | Crucifixion

Audio Bible | KJV Psalm | My God | Forsaken Me | Oliver Peers

Jesus references this psalm when he is on the Cross.

‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.’

It is possible to read this utterance of the psalm as an act of despair.

Certainly we might know of Jesus’ agony as he was crucified.

We can only wonder at Jesus’ agony on the Cross. There are so many possible layers of the meaning here. At once, this utterance might seem to us an action of despair, or perhaps better of nullity, and at the same time an action of triumph, as the psalm moves to reaffirm and reinforces faith in God.

The psalmist is abject. In a sense, he complains against God. He speaks of trust, and yet says that God does not answer.

The psalmist considers his state – as a worm, scorned by men, mocked by men – the cause of God seems broken and lost.

There is a deep and prolonged itemization of the physical poverty of the psalmist. Truly, this is a person at the most abject. Starving, dogs are set to prey on him.

This is truth: the affirmation thereby of God-fear and God-love.

This is Jesus.

Jesus speaks to teach us how to pray through the psalms.

This is a most important text – chosen by Jesus upon the Cross.

We cannot assume irony. We cannot say that Jesus on the Cross recited this psalm as if having given up on his mission. We can only say that Jesus’s recitation of this psalm was perfect and that it was intended to express perfection.

This is Christian prayer at the utmost. So much is fused. Jesus calls upon the Father – on the Cross. SO much of Jewish history is included and resolved. Jesus took so much upon himself. Jesus became the subject of these psalms. That is scary and that is triumph.

There is a sense in which this should be Christian prayer.

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