Listen To The Bible! | Psalm 15 | King James Audio Bible KJV | Who Shall Abide In God’s Sanctuary | Prayer With Jesus | Revolution In Christian Prayer | A Psalm Of David | True Faith In God | Arise, Lord
Psalm 15 explores what it means to have integrity, and balance between actions and beliefs.
We stand at the threshold of a holy place. Who gets in? Psalm 15 lists qualities for those who belong on the sacred hill.
The psalm asks who can stay in God’s dwelling and live on the holy hill.
The psalmist highlights upright behaviour and righteous deeds as signs of integrity. Truthful speech rooted in the heart is emphasized. Harmful words and actions are avoided. Backbiting and tale-bearing are rejected.
The psalm shifts focus to how we see others – contempt for bad behaviour, honour for those revering the Lord. A remarkable trait is making a promise despite hardship, and sticking to it.
The psalm touches on economics, stressing ethical finances and fairness. The psalm promises stability for those embodying these qualities.
Psalm 15 prompts reflection on interplay between actions, beliefs, and the qualities of integrity. It is a portrait of ethical living, inviting the Christian to consider who belongs on that holy hill.
Psalm 15 | King James Audio Bible KJV
Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the Lord. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.
Key Themes Of The Psalm For Reflection | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Qualities of Integrity: Psalm 15 explores the qualities that define a person of integrity.
Dwelling in God’s Presence: The psalm asks who can abide in God’s dwelling place and reside on the holy hill, inviting contemplation on divine closeness.
Upright Behaviour: The psalm highlights the importance of walking uprightly and working righteousness as key attributes of integrity.
Truthful Speech: Truth spoken from the heart is underscored as a pivotal quality that reflects inner convictions.
Avoiding Harm: Harmful actions, including backbiting and tale-bearing, are rejected in favor of ethical behaviour.
Respectful Perception: The psalm contrasts contempt for vile behaviour with honour for those who revere the Lord, emphasizing respectful perception of others.
Steadfast Promises: A commitment to promises, even when difficult, is celebrated as an integral aspect of integrity.
Ethical Finances: The psalm touches on the importance of ethical financial dealings and refraining from exploiting the innocent.
Stability and Unshakenness: The psalm concludes by promising stability and firmness for those who embody these qualities of integrity.
Balancing Actions and Beliefs: Psalm 15 delves into the balance between outward actions and inner convictions, inviting us to reflect on what it means to live with integrity before God and humanity.
Some few of the Pharisees now show solidarity with Jesus, warning him that Herod Antipas means to kill him. Herod has previously expressed a wish to meet Jesus (Luke 9: 9), about whom he was perplexed, wondering if John the Baptist had risen again. We do not know whether the Pharisees simply want to get Jesus to go away or if there is danger [ … ]
‘O God and Heavenly Father, grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed, courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.’ Serenity Prayer [ … ]
In the Bible, a miracle is an event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. Miracles are often seen as a sign of the intervention of God in the affairs of human beings. In the Old Testament, the most famous miracles are the Ten Plagues of Egypt, in which God punished the Pharaoh for refusing to release the Israelites from slavery, and the parting of the Red Sea, in which God allowed the Israelites to escape from the pursuing Egyptians by opening a path through the sea. In the New Testament, the miracles of Jesus are a central part of his ministry and are seen as evidence of his divinity. These include healings, such as the restoration of sight to the blind and the raising of the dead, and acts of nature, such as turning water into wine and walking on water. Is There A Theological Significance To Jesus’ Miracles? In the Christian tradition, the miracles performed by Jesus are seen as a manifestation of his divinity and as proof of his authority to teach and heal. Many of these miracles are described in the Gospels of the New Testament, which are the primary source of information about the life and teachings of Jesus. The purpose of the miracles, according to the Gospels, was to demonstrate Jesus’ power over natural forces and to show that he had the authority to forgive sins and offer salvation to those who believed in him. Why Did Jesus Ask To Keep His Miracles Secret? ‘Tell No One Of This.’ In the Gospels, there are a few instances where Jesus tells people not to tell others about what he has done for them. For example, in the Gospel of Matthew, after Jesus healed a man who was possessed by demons, he told the man, ‘See that you tell no one anything, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a proof to them’ (Matthew 8:4). In this case, it seems that Jesus was concerned that the man’s testimony might not be believed or might be misunderstood, and so he asked him to keep the experience to himself for the time being. It is difficult to say for sure why Jesus might have asked someone to keep quiet about a miracle without knowing the specific context in which the request was made. However, some possible reasons that come to mind include: To avoid drawing unnecessary attention to himself. In the Gospels, Jesus often tries to avoid drawing too much attention to himself, especially from the authorities who are hostile to him. Asking someone to keep quiet about a miracle might be one way of avoiding unwanted attention and allowing Jesus to continue his ministry without interference. To allow the person who was healed to experience the transformation for themselves. In some cases, the person who was healed might have been skeptical or unsure of what had happened to them. Asking them to keep quiet about the miracle might have given them time to reflect on the experience and come to their own understanding of it without being influenced by others. To test the person’s faith. In some cases, Jesus might have asked someone to keep quiet about a miracle as a test of their faith. If they were truly grateful for what Jesus had done for them, they would be willing to follow his instructions and trust that he had a good reason for asking them to keep quiet. These are just a few possible reasons why Jesus might have asked someone to keep quiet about a miracle. It is important to remember that the Gospels are ancient texts and that we must be careful not to impose our own interpretations on them without considering the historical and cultural context in which they were written. To avoid creating conflict or division. In the Gospels, Jesus often encounters people who are skeptical or hostile to his teachings, and he sometimes tries to avoid confrontations with them. Asking someone to keep quiet about a miracle might be one way of avoiding a confrontation or a heated debate that could disrupt his ministry. To avoid being misunderstood or misrepresented. In some cases, the person who was healed might not have understood the full significance of what Jesus had done for them, and they might have tried to explain it in a way that distorted or misrepresented the truth. Asking them to keep quiet might have given Jesus time to explain things to them more fully and help them to understand the true meaning of the miracle. To avoid becoming a spectacle. In the Gospels, there are many instances where people are amazed by the miracles that Jesus performs, and they often try to make him into a kind of celebrity or showman. Asking someone to keep quiet about a miracle might have been one way of avoiding this kind of attention and keeping the focus on the message that Jesus was trying to convey. What Is The Significance Of Miracle Of The Wedding At Cana? In the Christian tradition, the wedding at Cana is significant because it is the first of the miracles performed by Jesus that is recorded in the Gospels of the New Testament. This event is described in the Gospel of John, where it is said that Jesus, along with his mother Mary and his disciples, attended a wedding in the town of Cana. At the wedding, the host ran out of wine, and Mary asked Jesus to help. In response, Jesus turned water into wine, which is seen as a miraculous act that demonstrated his power and authority. In the Gospel of John, after Mary asks Jesus to help with the wine at the wedding in Cana, he replies, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). This statement is often seen as indicating that Jesus was aware […]