As the disciples accompany Jesus on the way to Jerusalem, so we are asked to unite ourselves to Jesus in his passion and death, so that we may share in his resurrection and accompany Jesus in his glory as Holy Week culminates in Easter [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Judge Not And You Will Not Be Judged | Christian Faith | Forgiveness | Audio KJV | Jesus
We are called once more by Jesus to seek perfection as our acts of mercy imitate, insofar as we are able, the mercy of God. We are taught again of the inseparability of our relationship with each other in the body of Christ, in the brotherhood of man, and of our relationship with God [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Transfiguration Of Jesus | Son Of Man | Moses And Elijah | Law And Prophets | Elevated Faith
As they travel on the way to Jerusalem, Jesus throws his disciples into confusion by telling them about the suffering and death he must undergo. The disciples simply do not understand. For centuries, the Jews have awaited the coming of the Messiah, whom they envisaged as a glorious warrior king, not as one who would suffer and die the most ignominious of deaths, on a cross, of all things. A person condemned to die on a cross could not be the Messiah; rather, according to the Old Law, he had to be “cursed by God” (Deuteronomy 21: 22-23). The disciples cannot see the divine plan for our salvation, while the command for all who would be saved to ‘take up his cross and follow me’ must have seemed both strange and terrifying. To reassure his disciples, Jesus allows them to witness his glorious body through the transfiguration [ … ]
Jesus Tempted In The Desert | Jesus Fasting 40 Days | Sin In The Bible And For Christians Today
Explore Jesus’ teachings on sin and temptation and as Christians resist temptation in the modern world. Learn from the Bible and religious authorities with quotations and insights [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Jesus Foretells His Death And Resurrection | Son Of Man | Messiah | Belief In Jesus | Audio KJV
Jesus orders his disciples to keep his true identity, as the Messiah, a secret. We might wonder why this should be. One answer to this is that many of the people of whom we read in the Bible were hoping for and expecting the coming of the Messiah, who would lead the Jewish people to freedom, and yet their expectation – of a new judge or great warrior king – was not in accord with Christ’s true purpose, namely to serve and to suffer and so to save [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Kingdom Of God And The Kingdom Of Satan | Jesus The Exorcist | Audio KJV
Jesus has performed miracles and his redeeming power over the devils which possess people is clearly apparent; Jesus’ power over evil is manifest. The people marvel, and yet their hearts are hardened to the truth of Jesus. Rather than see with their eyes and understand, they reject the truth of Christ. They retreat to within the evil that holds them captive, which prevents them from seeing the truth of Jesus. They mutter and grumble and gossip, actively seeking to suggest the worst possible and false interpretation of what they have witnessed. They have seen the work of absolute good. They choose to accuse this good of being evil. They do not rise to the message of Christ [ .. ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | God So Loved The World | Good And Evil | Jesus The Light Of Truth | Christian Faith | Audio KJV
Through the time of Lent, we recall the Exodus. We recall the release of the then chosen people of God from their slavery in Egypt and their time in the wilderness on their way to the promised land, during which time God provided for them [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Jesus Announces His Glorification | Jesus’ Crucifixion Is Near
Jesus’ Passion is near. It is almost time for Jesus to permit himself to be crucified. It is true to this that the Greeks, non-Jews, have come to seek Jesus and to hear his word. Jesus’ mission, to come to earth to save everyone, is becoming fulfilled [ … ]
Parable Of The Pharisee And The Tax Collector | Parables Of Jesus
This is among the most perfect of the parables to listen to during Lent – indeed, it has resonances that must extent to each and every time we receive the Eucharist. We are simply not worthy. And God’s mercy extends to us nonetheless. The prayer of the Pharisee is false. It is not true prayer. We see him, standing there in the presence of God and congratulating himself, as if he does not need God for his redemption, as if he can redeem himself [ … ]