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Word Aloud | King James Version New Testament (KJV) | King James Audio Bible KJV Download

Audio Bible KJV | The King James Version | Oliver Peers Reads The New Testament

The image is the cover art for the King James Version (KJV) New Testament | Word Aloud

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‘The creation of the King James Bible was an extraordinary event in literary and religious history. This was a political act of nation-building and it was a great spiritual gift, of ‘one more exact translation of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue’, this new translation stamped with royal approval.

‘The King James Version of the Bible changed and helped create the modern English language. Just as with Shakespeare, so this magnificent text was planted deep in the English-speaking people’s consciousness, and there it would grow and thrive. We hear its influence in America, in Britain, in Australia. We hear it in India and in Africa. And here we are, at a point of origin and the heart.

‘Oliver Peers’ reading of this classic text is clean, fresh and modern. He asks the listener to hear the King James Version anew—as a contemporary text. Oliver’s stated aim has been that the glory of the language of the King James Version sit perfectly in accord, 400 years on, with easy receptivity to God’s word, just as if we were hearing a friend share a tale with us—and here we have the word of God with all the richness, the beauty and the poetry of the King James Version to delight and enthrall.’

The New Testament

This title on Audible is a recording of the KJV New Testament – unabridged.

All Gospel readings on this website are extracted from the title as available on Audible.

I hope you may feel that my readings of the books of the New Testament are a good contribution.

The title should be available globally on Audible. It is for reasons of space that I have placed links to audible.com and audible.co.uk. I understand that they should redirect to your region.

Thank you for being here and visiting this site.



Audio Bible KJV | Word Aloud | Oliver Peers | The Cross

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