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Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Prayer To Saint Uriel The Archangel

Archangel Uriel | Prayer And Meditations | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Christian Art | An Interpretation Of Saint Uriel The Archangel

Caution: Some Christians, including Roman Catholics, do not consider Uriel an archangel, because he is not depicted in the canonical Bible, including those books which are included as canonical by the Roman Church and not by protestants – i.e. the Septuagint. A more developed explanation of this is provided below. The Eastern Orthodox Church recognizes Uriel as an archangel – as do other eastern Catholics. An initial prayer nonetheless:

‘O holy Saint Uriel, Archangel of God’s divine justice, I come before you with a humble and contrite heart. I ask for your intercession and guidance in my life, especially in those areas where I am struggling or in need of divine assistance.

Through your powerful intercession, I ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness for any sins or wrongs that I have committed. Help me to see the error of my ways and to make amends where needed.

I ask that you protect me and my loved ones from all harm, both physical and spiritual. Shield us from the temptations of the evil one and guide us on the path of righteousness and holiness.

Holy Saint Uriel, I pray that you bring forth the light of truth and justice into my life, so that I may walk in the ways of God and fulfill His holy will. May your intercession strengthen my faith and deepen my spiritual understanding, so that I may serve God with love and devotion all the days of my life.

I offer this prayer with love and gratitude for all that you do, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.’

Who is Saint Uriel the Archangel?

Saint Uriel the Archangel is a figure of spiritual significance in several religious traditions, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. While the origins and exact role of Saint Uriel vary depending on the religious tradition, he is often associated with wisdom, illumination, and divine judgment.

The name ‘Uriel’ means ‘God is my light’ or ‘fire of God’ in Hebrew, and Uriel is often depicted holding a flame or a lantern, representing his role as the angel of illumination and divine wisdom. Uriel’s presence is believed to bring clarity and understanding, and his intercession is often sought by those seeking spiritual guidance, wisdom, and discernment.

In the Jewish mystical tradition, Uriel is one of the four archangels who stand at the throne of God. Uriel is associated with the element of earth, and is believed to help humanity understand the mysteries of creation and the divine will. According to Jewish legend, Uriel was the angel who stood guard at the entrance to the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword after Adam and Eve were expelled.

In the Christian tradition, Uriel is recognized as one of the seven archangels in the Eastern Orthodox Church, alongside Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel. In some other Christian denominations, such as the Anglican and Episcopal churches, he is also considered an archangel. However, in the Catholic Church, Uriel is not officially recognized as an archangel, but is sometimes referred to as the angel of repentance and is associated with the apocryphal story of the repentance of Adam and Eve. Some Catholics – bearing in mind this term is broader in meaning than the Roman Church alone – recognize Uriel as an angel, and some as an archangel.

The role of Saint Uriel in Christianity varies depending on the specific religious tradition. In some Christian denominations, Uriel is believed to be the angel who held back the hand of Abraham when he was about to sacrifice his son Isaac, while in others he is associated with the judgment of God and is often depicted holding a set of scales or a book, representing the weighing of souls on judgment day. Some Christians also believe that Uriel was the angel who warned Noah of the impending flood.

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, Uriel is considered to be the angel of wisdom and is believed to have brought the knowledge of God to humanity. In the Orthodox Church, Uriel is often associated with the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which describes him as ‘the angel set over the world and Tartarus’ and ‘the revealer of divine mysteries’. The Orthodox Church also recognizes Uriel as the angel who gave the prophet Ezra the ability to understand and interpret the divine law.

Despite the variations in beliefs about Saint Uriel, his intercession is often sought by those seeking guidance, wisdom, and illumination. One prayer to Saint Uriel reads:

‘O holy Saint Uriel, intercede for us that our hearts may burn with the fire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inflame us with the same divine love which enkindled your angelic heart and enabled you to resist the temptations of the evil one. Obtain for us the grace of purity of heart and a strong faith to see the face of God in our daily lives. Amen.’

Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Power Of Prayer To Saint Uriel The Archangel

Praying with Jesus and Saint Uriel can be a powerful and transformative experience. As a spiritual guide and teacher, Jesus offers comfort, love, and guidance to those who seek him. Saint Uriel is associated with wisdom, illumination, and divine judgment. His intercession can bring clarity and understanding, and his presence can offer a sense of calm and reassurance.

One of the benefits of praying to Saint Uriel is the opportunity to seek his intercession in times of need. As a patron of repentance and judgment, Saint Uriel can offer guidance and support for those seeking to make amends for their mistakes or seeking divine guidance in difficult situations. Additionally, Saint Uriel is believed to have the ability to offer protection from evil forces, and his intercession is often sought for spiritual healing and discernment.

Praying to Saint Uriel can also bring a sense of peace and clarity to one’s spiritual journey. Through his guidance and intercession, one can gain a deeper understanding of his/her spiritual path and the role s/he plays in the divine plan. As one prayer to Saint Uriel reads:

‘O holy Saint Uriel, who stands at the gate of the divine mysteries, illuminate my mind and heart with the light of divine wisdom. Grant me the discernment to recognize the signs of God’s will and the courage to follow wherever it leads. Protect me from the snares of the evil one and guide me always in the path of righteousness. Amen.’

Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | A Prayer With Jesus To Saint Uriel The Archangel

Prayer is a deeply personal and intimate experience, and each prayer can hold different meanings and significance for each person who recites it. The following prayer with Jesus to Saint Uriel is a powerful tool that can help one connect with the divine, seek guidance and protection, and find inner peace and strength in difficult times.

‘O holy Saint Uriel, faithful servant of God, and intercessor of the holy angels, I come before you seeking your guidance and protection. With the help of Jesus, I ask you to watch over me, protect me from harm and evil, and guide me on my spiritual journey.’

Here, the prayer acknowledges Saint Uriel’s role as a faithful servant of God and intercessor of the holy angels. By calling on Saint Uriel’s name, one is invoking his guidance and protection in times of need.

The prayer invokes the help of Jesus, acknowledging him as the source of strength and guidance. By asking for Jesus’ assistance in the prayer, one is acknowledging his role as the savior and spiritual guide.

The prayer asks for Saint Uriel’s protection and guidance, acknowledging the role he can play in guarding one against harm and evil forces. This line of the prayer also seeks Saint Uriel’s intercession in guiding one on his/her spiritual journey, recognizing the importance of divine guidance and support.

‘Please grant me the clarity and wisdom to discern God’s will, the courage to follow it, and the strength to resist temptation and evil.’

This line of the prayer asks for clarity and wisdom to discern God’s will, recognizing the importance of understanding and following the divine plan. This line of the prayer also acknowledges the challenges that can come with following the divine plan and asks for the courage to stay on the right path.

The prayer asks for the strength to resist temptation and evil. The prayer recognizes the reality of spiritual warfare and acknowledges the need for divine protection and support in overcoming the forces of darkness.

‘Help me to be a light in the darkness, to share your love and wisdom with others, and to serve God with a pure and humble heart.’

This line of the prayer asks for Saint Uriel’s help in being a light in the darkness, recognizing the importance of being a source of love and wisdom for others. This line also seeks Saint Uriel’s intercession in serving God with a pure and humble heart, recognizing the importance of humility in one’s spiritual journey.

‘O holy Saint Uriel, I thank you for your intercession and guidance, and I pray that you will continue to watch over me and guide me on my spiritual journey. Amen.’

The final line of the prayer expresses gratitude for Saint Uriel’s intercession and guidance and seeks his continued guidance and support on one’s spiritual journey.

Each line of the prayer has a specific significance, acknowledging Saint Uriel’s role as an intercessor and guide, asking for clarity, wisdom, and strength, and seeking his help in serving God with a pure and humble heart. Through this prayer, one can find comfort and reassurance in the knowledge that they are not alone on their spiritual journey and that they have the guidance and support of Jesus and Saint Uriel.

Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | How To Pray With Jesus To Saint Uriel The Archangel

Praying with Jesus to Saint Uriel can be a powerful spiritual experience. Here are some steps to take to prepare for the prayer, the ideal time and place to pray, and some additional tips to make the most of the prayer experience.

Before beginning to pray with Jesus to Saint Uriel, it is good to take some time to prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where we can be alone with our thoughts and focus on the prayer.
  2. Take a few deep breaths and relax mind and body.
  3. Call upon Jesus and ask for his guidance and protection as we begin the prayer.
  4. Focus on the intention of the prayer and ask Saint Uriel for his intercession and guidance.

The ideal time to pray with Jesus to Saint Uriel is when we have some quiet time alone with our thoughts. This could be in the morning when we wake up, during a break at work, or before going to bed at night. It’s best to choose a time when we won’t be disturbed and can focus fully on the prayer.

When choosing a place to pray, find a quiet and comfortable spot where we can sit or kneel comfortably. This could be a quiet room in your home, a church or chapel, or even outdoors in nature.

Here are some additional tips to help you make the most of our prayer experience with Jesus and Saint Uriel:

  1. Set an intention: Before beginning the prayer, we may set an intention for what we want to achieve from the prayer. This could be guidance on a specific issue, protection from harm, or spiritual growth.
  2. Visualize Saint Uriel: As we begin the prayer, visualize Saint Uriel standing beside us, offering guidance and support. This can help us to connect more deeply with Saint Uriel and the spiritual realm.
  3. Be open and receptive: As we pray, we can try to be open and receptive to any messages or insights that come to us. These could be subtle feelings, intuitive insights, or even visualizations.
  4. Practise gratitude: After completing the prayer, we can take a few moments to express gratitude to Jesus and Saint Uriel for their guidance and support. This can help us to cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for the spiritual forces in our lives.