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Jesus | Christian Prayer | Pray For Friends | KJV | Audio Bible | Word Aloud | King James Version

 Gospel Reading: John 15:15 (KJV)

‘Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.’

In this verse, Jesus elevates the relationship with his followers from servants to friends. He shares his knowledge and heart with us, inviting us into a deep and intimate friendship. This passage encourages us to reflect on the significance of being called friends by Jesus and the responsibilities and blessings that come with such a relationship.


Dear Jesus, Thank you for the gift of friendship, especially the friendship you offer to me. Help me to be a true friend to others, reflecting your love, kindness, and compassion in all my interactions. Guide me to support and uplift my friends, just as you support and uplift me. May our friendships be rooted in your love, growing stronger with each passing day. Let me be a source of encouragement, understanding, and joy to those I hold dear. Teach me to cherish and nurture these relationships, recognizing them as precious gifts from you. Amen.

Personal Reflection

  • Reflect on a friendship that has had a significant impact on your life.
  • How can you be a better friend to those around you?
  • What qualities do you value most in a friend?

Jesus | Christian Prayer | Pray For Friends | KJV | Audio Bible | Word Aloud | King James Version

Meditation: Prayer and Gospel

John 15:15 highlights the profound shift in our relationship with Jesus—from servants to friends. This friendship is characterized by openness, mutual understanding, and deep connection. Jesus shares his knowledge and heart with us, inviting us into a relationship built on love and trust.

Jesus calling us friends signifies a closeness that goes beyond mere duty or obligation. It is a relationship where we are known and loved for who we are. This friendship is grounded in honesty, vulnerability, and mutual respect. As friends of Jesus, we are invited to share our lives with him, knowing that he cares deeply about every aspect of our existence.

Reflecting on this verse, we are encouraged to consider the friendships in our own lives. True friendship mirrors the qualities of Jesus’ friendship—selflessness, loyalty, and unconditional love. It is a relationship where we support, uplift, and encourage one another. In times of joy and sorrow, a true friend is present, offering comfort and companionship.

Jesus’ example of friendship sets a high standard for us to follow. It challenges us to be intentional in our relationships, prioritizing the well-being of our friends. This involves active listening, empathy, and acts of kindness. It means being there for our friends in times of need and celebrating their successes with genuine joy.

The friendship Jesus offers also brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Knowing that we are friends of Jesus gives us confidence and assurance. It reminds us that we are not alone, that we are valued and cherished. This friendship empowers us to extend the same love and care to others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and connection.

In practical terms, living out Jesus’ friendship involves being proactive in nurturing our relationships. This can include regular communication, spending quality time together, and offering support during challenging times. It also means being willing to forgive and seek reconciliation when conflicts arise.

Being a friend like Jesus also means being an advocate and a source of strength. It involves standing by our friends, encouraging them in their pursuits, and helping them to grow in their faith. This type of friendship fosters a sense of community and belonging, where everyone feels seen, heard, and appreciated.

As we strive to embody Jesus’ friendship, we draw inspiration from his example and his teachings. Practices like prayer, reflection on Scripture, and participation in a faith community help us stay connected to Jesus’ love and guidance. These practices remind us of the importance of friendship and encourage us to cultivate relationships that reflect Jesus’ love.


Lord Jesus, Thank you for calling me your friend. Help me to be a faithful and loving friend to others. When I struggle to show kindness or patience, remind me of your example. Fill my heart with your love, and let it overflow to my friends. Guide my words and actions to reflect your friendship in every interaction. May my friendships be a testament to your love and grace. Thank you for the gift of friendship and for the friends you have placed in my life. Amen.

Scripture: Proverbs 17:17 (KJV)

‘A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.’

Final Blessing

May the God of love and friendship bless your relationships. May you experience the joy and strength of true friendship, and may your friendships reflect the love of Jesus. Amen.

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