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Miserere Mei | Psalm 51/50 | KJV King James Bible Psalms | Have Mercy Upon Me | Audio Bible

Audio Bible | KJV Psalms | Miserere | Psalm | King David | Have Mercy Oh Lord | Jesus | Confession | Oliver Peers

The image depicts King David at prayer from The Book Of Hours

Miserere Mei. Psalm 51/50. Have mercy upon me, oh Lord. Here the KJV King James Bible text.

YouTube: Psalm 51 KJV Audio | King James Audio Bible

Traditionally ascribed to King David, upon the discovery of his adultery, this psalm represents and enacts a perfect act of contrition, from the awareness and acknowledgement of sin, through acknowledgement of God, to celebration and renewal in faith with God.

It is to the choirmaster, a Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba. There is lust and in effect murder – as recounted in The Second Book Of Samuel, Chapter Eleven. King David’s is the behaviour of a despot. David has engaged multiply in evil.

The psalm is a plea to God for purification from sin and for a heart made clean.

The progression of the psalm is both exquisitely beautiful and in its way obvious and perfect. This is a model for Christian confession, for the sacramental reconciliation with God.

King David wholly acknowledges his sins. He acknowledges the blameless perfection of God, and that his sin is against God. He acknowledges the justice of God’s judgement, and he yet pleads clemency – mercy.

King David acknowledges his low state – his being born a sinner, through frailty of human condition. This saying acknowledges our imperfect relationship with sex. We are called to acknowledge disorderly aspects of our sexual instincts. We do not know specificity how King David was conceived. We may sense through the the saying that he was conceived in sin and iniquity that there is a strong sense of divergence from God as regards sexual matters. It might seem abundantly clear that there is a very serious need for purification as for a more orderly disposition regarding sex.

King David throws himself upon God’s mercy and begs for healing and wisdom in his inmost heart. There is a longing for Jesus – for deliverance from sin. This is an immensely complex psalm. There is an equation of sin, transgression, confession, and of God’s mercy, with the renewal of a capacity for prayer.

This new spirit – which is Christian – directs the sinner to unity with the Church in God – as the psalm anticipates Jesus.

It is transcendent – perfect. And yet so simple – as a sinner’s tears when we own up to God our sins. It is good to love this psalm. It is a model for all of us. There often should be tears at confession – and additionally joyful beyond remorse.

For Jesus we can all be sinners returned home. The psalm is of a piece with Jesus’ saying to the rich young man: ‘Sell everything you have and give the money to the poor and follow me.’ This is faith in Jesus. Amen.

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It’s okay once they get into it, but those months… Yet then, they mostly blossom, if they come from a good home, and become rounded personalities, entering into their womanhood. It was that… when yet they weren’t… I shudder to think of it. They walk toward the pond, and I trail, and would follow had I not been going that way. I wish I could say something so they might hear I am English too. (Fake a phone call?) How my voice might sound – there’d be all college hurling around in such matter I… a demented thing, ludicrous blurt – of Henry, Geoff, and all of them – not to mention the personal predicament. Maybe they’re a nice family. She is letting him explain what he needs to explain. And it would blow his fire, me being English. Mum and Dad. You’d probably see them all having their lunch in a little while. All sat round the table. With napkins and the menus out. Dad looks safe.   I look into the pond. Terrapins live in there. But not today. I walk toward the join in the paths where the squirrel lives. There, I crumple the packet of almonds, making noise. I peer and I squat and crouch – chewing a mouthful. All the peacocks have perched right up in the trees’ branches. That never looks like something they should be doing. It’s disappointing that the squirrel isn’t here – but then the not-knowing-if is a part of it. Now, next, my visit to the National Sculpture Museum is an obligation. Canon Peter stood literally aghast when I hadn’t heard of it. Mortified, I made resolute promises. Though a few weeks have passed, it isn’t just any old something I could do on the hoof. A great commitment – it must command a known and prepared and anticipated not-just-any-old-time. But, rather, the sort you must wait for – and listen for.   [ … ]   Beyond Plaza Mayor, there would be a brief series of old-town alleyways. The National Sculpture Museum would be – just up there, this archway, this next…They are bleached and forgotten-looking walls, and the smoothed paving could be medieval. Not that it is making Tomàs anxious – I follow the map. A kind of place – uneasy credit-cards, and modern vaccinations, and a phone, might not help much. I fancy I feel the back-wall of a church, and that – fancifully – pressure-release drawn out of me. Only I am playing games in a nice way – making play-scared on the uncertainty – with only myself to see. The National Museum is there, modestly signed on stencilled plexiglass stuck to the stone wall. A uniformed lady sits just a little way inside the doorway. She reassures me there is no money required, and directs me over the courtyard into the planned route, showing me where I can pick up a free map. I get my […]

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