Like and share a collection of videos being put up on YouTube. In each, a young King David in the Temple offers a Gospel passage – proclaims the Gospel. This thought implies deep connection between King David, and Jewish faith and Jewish history, and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 97 commences with a declarative burst: ‘The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.’ The proclamation sets the tone for universal celebration, urging the earth and its distant isles to exult in response to the Lord’s sovereign rule. The very essence of the psalm lies in the rejoicing prompted by recognition of the Lord’s reign—a theme that resonates through each verse [ … ]
In these Bible verses, Matthew recounts the betrayal by Judas in a slightly different way from yesterday’s reading from the Gospel of John. Firstly, we see Judas go to the chief priests to see what they will give him to betray his Lord. This is calculating treachery, the love of money putting such evil into Judas’ heart as will outweigh all love and all obligation. Through Judas, we see the absolute evil to which greed and the love of money can drive a person [ … ]
The more we love God, the better we come to know him. Jesus continues to assert his knowledge of the Father, and too his eternal coexistence with the Father from before all time [ … ]