Christian Art | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Prayer And Meditation
This relaxing prayer and meditation with Jesus reflects upon three Gospel passages – of Saint Matthew’s Gospel.
These are: 1. Jesus’ healing of the multitude; 2. The parable of the labourers in the vineyard; 3. The rich young man and the camel through the eye of the needle.
Psalm 130, one of fifteen Songs of Ascents, depicts profound depth of emotion and spiritual longing. This psalm emerges not from a place of superficial distress but from the depths of human experience, as the psalmist begins, ‘Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.’ [ … ]
There is a sacramental quality to Jesus’ healing of the deaf man, as he takes him to one side, touches him, lifts his eyes to heaven, and then speaks the healing words of command. In the act of healing, as Jesus lays on his hands, he seems to act as intermediary between the deaf man and heaven, and so it through this that the man is healed [ … ]
The poem explores themes of divine presence, spiritual longing, and human instability. The poem opens with a stark reflection on the transient nature of spiritual joy and the sudden void that follows when such joy is absent. Herbert questions the disappearance of an overwhelming sense of divine joy that had recently consumed his heart, seeking an explanation or resolution from God. This inquiry sets the stage for a meditation on the balance between divine grace and human imperfection [ … ]
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