Christian Art | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Prayer And Meditation
This relaxing prayer and meditation with Jesus reflects upon three Gospel passages – of Saint Matthew’s Gospel.
These are: 1. Jesus’ healing of the multitude; 2. The parable of the labourers in the vineyard; 3. The rich young man and the camel through the eye of the needle.
The publicans (tax collectors) and other sinners are drawn to hear Jesus’ teaching. Perhaps they feel Jesus offers hope to them especially. While the scribes and Pharisees, despising sinners, find Jesus behaviour as he mixes with such people to be utterly objectionable, Jesus receives all humanity with love, understanding and, where there is faith and repentance, forgiveness. It is as if the people know that they are not condemned but can be accepted by Jesus. He offers them hope [ … ]
The poem explores the relationship between divine generosity and human reluctance, presenting a meditation on God’s revelation and humanity’s limited response. Herbert uses the metaphor of two ‘cabinets’ filled with treasure to describe God’s ultimate gifts to humanity: the Trinity and the Incarnation. These cabinets symbolize the profound mysteries of divine nature and Christ’s embodiment, emphasizing both spiritual wealth and revelation [ … ]
Psalm 32 is a contemplative poem expressing themes of forgiveness, repentance and blessings that arise from acknowledging one’s sins before the Lord. The psalm reflects on the power of confession and upon the joy found in the assurance of divine pardon [ … ]