Like and share this collection of videos on YouTube. Each video features a young King David in the Temple, proclaiming the Gospel. Each is a striking reminder of deep connection between Jewish history, King David, and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The boy king is clothed as an initiate, recalling the Gospel account of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus, as the Prince of Peace, showed us the way to be peacemakers. Jesus taught us to love our enemies, to forgive those who hurt us, and to seek reconciliation. Jesus’ life exemplified the power of forgiveness and the possibility of healing broken relationships [ … ]
The people who have looked for and found Jesus now ask for a sign. Notwithstanding the miracle of the loaves and fishes, which they have witnessed, they now say they require a sign in order to believe in Jesus. It is in some ways akin to Christ’s temptation in the desert, when Satan tempted him to prove his divinity [ … ]
The poem meditates on mortality, the ephemeral nature of the human body, and spiritual preparation required for the inevitability of death. Herbert, addressing the relationship between the soul and body, deliberately ‘entombs’ the flesh in acknowledgment of its temporal nature, using the act as an opportunity to reflect on its destiny: to return to dust. This act of entombment is not literal but symbolic, serving as a lesson in humility and a call to align oneself with a spiritual reality that transcends physical existence [ … ]
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