Some few of the Pharisees now show solidarity with Jesus, warning him that Herod Antipas means to kill him. Herod has previously expressed a wish to meet Jesus (Luke 9: 9), about whom he was perplexed, wondering if John the Baptist had risen again. We do not know whether the Pharisees simply want to get Jesus to go away or if there is danger [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Gospel Of Saint Luke
Daily Bible Verses | The Narrow Gate | Christ’s Judgement | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus
Christ’s journey from Galilee to Jerusalem is an ascent, literally, that occupies the central third of Luke’s Gospel. When the journey begins, it is made explicit that this is a journey toward the cross: ‘And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem…’ (Luke 9: 51) Christ’s teachings as he and his disciples travel are cued to the sense of steady, deliberate movement toward the Passion [ … ]
Parables Of The Mustard Seed And Of The Leaven | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The two parables make it clear that Christ intended the newly inaugurated phase of the history of our salvation to be the work of ages. His second coming was not to be an apocalyptic end of the world as we know it in weeks, months or just a few years after that first Easter. The world’s faith would grow with time. Christ’s Church would grow, to encompass the whole world. Christ intended the Gospel be preached to everyone the world over and through all subsequent history [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Cures A Woman On The Sabbath | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
It was customary to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath, to read and study Scripture and praise God, and our Lord Jesus is observant, assuming a teaching role in the synagogue. It is in this context that the crippled woman becomes a type of Christ’s teaching. She has been an abject figure, bowed down for eighteen years. She does not come to the synagogue asking to be healed; she seems quite passive [ … ]
The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The Galileans Herod has had killed have not behaved any better or worse than other people; they were not worse sinners than whose to whom Jesus addresses his words. God does not always punish sinners in this life. Accidents and acts of brutality may constitute no particular moral judgement. We are sinners. We stand in need of God’s mercy. We must repent [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Sign Of The Times | Prince Of Peace | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The crowd listening to Jesus know how to ‘read’ nature in order to predict the weather. They are accustomed to this level of being and recognize the signs there. The crowds’ prescience stops at this level, however, the level of practical, everyday matters, and does not extend to a deeper contemplation and understanding of the spiritual reality with which Christ confronts them [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Divine Fire | Jesus Brings Division on Earth | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Jesus’ Second Coming
Christ the King of Peace – and yet in these verses Jesus tells us, confusingly, that he has come to bring not peace on earth but conflict. These are challenging verses. They demand we ask, what can this mean? The symbolism of fire encompasses a range of meanings. Fire is used in the Bible to signify God’s love for humanity. It is also a response of man to God: ‘My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue.’ (Psalm 39: 3) It is also the fire of Pentecost, when the tongues of fire descended to the apostles and they received their commission to preach the Gospel and establish the Church of Jesus Christ. Christ’s death on the cross must precede this commissioning [ … ]
Parable Of The Master And The Steward | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | King James Audio Bible | Parables KJV
The parable teaches us that we must be ready, because we do not know when Christ will come to us, for the final account of our lives. This is a warning, edging our lives with the unpredictable. One positive effect of this parable is that it helps us to remain alert to the present moment. While it is easy to allow our thoughts to drift from where we are here and now, to recall the past, to worry or hope for the future, or to slip into daydreams and fantasy altogether, it is when we bring our attention to this very moment of time that we find sharpness, significance, and vibrancy in our life. We may realise just how extraordinary this great gift of life truly is, and feel empowered to live well and offer ourselves wholly to God. When we are attentive to this moment in time we may walk with Jesus [ … ]
Servants Await Their Master | Parable Of Jesus | Faith And Watching | Christian Prayer | Parables KJV
Jesus tells us to be vigilant. In Christ’s time, when the Jews would usually wear long, flowing garments, it was the practice to hitch them up, to gird oneself, in order to be ready to perform certain kinds of work. To gird oneself, therefore, and to keep lights burning, meant to be ready for action. Before the flight from Egypt, at the moment of the Passover, the Israelites had to gird themselves, to be ready to be able to leave immediately (Exodus 12:11) [ … ]
Parable Of The Rich Fool | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
In the clamour of people crowding to be near to Jesus, one man comes to Jesus with a problem which is entirely his own and has nothing to do with his or anyone’s spiritual life. He asks Jesus to use his influence to solve a family dispute about material possessions, the family inheritance, by telling his brother to divide the inheritance fairly [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Fidelity To Christ | Holy Spirit | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Angels In The Old Testament
We are called by Jesus to acknowledge our Christianity to others, not to be afraid of physical threats or of other discomforts. In our own time, this encompasses a broad range of Christian experience, ranging from real physical, and mortal, danger at the hands of fanatical extremists of other faiths, to, in more civilized territories, the snide denigration of Christian faith by anti-theists, and such social embarrassment as might follow from this [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Leaven Of The Pharisees | True Faith In Jesus | Jewish Faith History Affirmed | King James Audio KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
We can almost feel the crush of people pressing in upon Jesus, treading on each other’s toes and clamouring for a glimpse of him. This great tide of popularity is extraordinary. We are made aware of just how much so many people need something other than what they have – of how many unanswered questions they must have and of the spiritual longing they must experience. They are sheep in want of a shepherd. There is a great vacuum which Jesus comes to fill [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus With The Scribes And Pharisees | Jewish Prayer | As A Jew, Jesus Completes Jewish History
Today’s Gospel verses again speak of the conflict between Jesus and the scribes and Pharisees, and again we sense the verses reflecting the breaking away of Christianity from Judaism, and the tensions in the aftermath of the fall of Jerusalem. Jesus’ rebuke of the scribes and Pharisees, the lawyers, is stinging. Jesus associates them with the history of murder of the righteous through Scripture, from the first murder of Abel to the murder of Zechariah, a prophet who died by stoning in Jerusalem around the year 800 BC because he accused the Jewish people of being unfaithful to God’s law (cf. 2 Chronicles 24: 20-22) [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Reproaches The Scribes And Pharisees | Sign Of The Times | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The Gospel verses reflect a time when Christianity has split from Judaism, and also a time after the destruction of Jerusalem. In depictions of Jesus’ rebuke of the Pharisees, we discover an astonishing claim to transcendence on the part of the burgeoning Christian communities. There is too ambivalence: the Law remains intact in every detail, and yet it is overhauled. The truth of Christ so far surpasses the Pharisaic understanding of the Law, that it may be considered a New Law even as at the same time it is a fulfilment of the Old. We discover through these Gospel verses an astonishing claim on the part of the Christian writers, which is that they are the true recipients of God’s revelation to Moses, and that it is the Pharisees who have got it wrong [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Reproaches The Scribes And The Pharisees | Inner Purity | King James Audio Bible | KJV
The letter kills, the spirit gives life. So writes Paul in his Second Letter To The Corinthians. Much of the opposition to Jesus, as depicted in the Gospels, is from a legalistic standpoint, in which the scribes and Pharisees challenge Jesus concerning the ways in with he and his disciples do not seem to adhere to the letter of the Old Law [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Sign Of Jonah | Circumcision Of The Heart | God And Mission | True God From True God
The crowds gather to see and to hear Jesus. Among them, as Matthew relates in his Gospel (Matthew 12: 38-42), are the scribes and Pharisees, who ask for a sign from Jesus to prove his divinity. Jesus refuses to confirm his preaching with dramatic signs. It is his teaching Jesus wishes the people to hear. Through seeking to taunt Jesus, and through their unbelief, the scribes and the Pharisees express the hardness of their hearts. Christ is present to them and they refuse to see. Christ is speaking to them and they refuse to hear. Through the Gospel, we have witnessed Christ’s miracles. And we are called to hear his word. ‘An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.’ [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Response To The Word Of God | Holy Mary | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The woman raises her voice to praise Mary, for Jesus’ sake. Through Jesus, the woman is moved to acclaim the holiness of Mary. It can be true to say also that very many Christians are moved to contemplate Mary through knowledge of Jesus. For many Christians, Mary is our spiritual mother. Through Jesus, we discover our relationship with Mary, and so reciprocally through Mary we discover and seek to imitate the Son [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Kingdom Of God And The Kingdom Of Satan | Sign From Heaven | God Loves You | God Is Love
Jesus has come to break Satan’s hold – on the people of Jesus’ time and for all time. Accused by some of being a servant to Beelzebub, Jesus exposes the error and absurdity of what his accusers are saying. If Satan casts out Satan, then Satan is divided against himself and his house falls – he self-destructs [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Effectiveness Of Prayer | How Shall We Pray? | Prayer With Jesus | Seek And Ye Shall Find
Jesus teaches us to know the effectiveness of prayer through what might seem an unusual comparison, or parable. The suggestion is that a person asking his friend for bread will be given that bread not because of friendship, but because of his insistence and persistency in knocking and asking for the bread. This might seem to us an unusual way of considering God’s response to our prayers [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Lord’s Prayer | Our Father | Teach Us To Pray | Saint Teresa Of Avila
We are given different accounts of Jesus teaching his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father, in today’s verses from the Gospel of Luke, and also in the Gospel of Matthew, during the Sermon on the Mount. Here the situation is quite different from that of Matthew. Jesus has been praying, seemingly apart, to his Father, and so it is after this that the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. This is unusual: prayer, especially of the psalms, would have been an integral part of these Jewish people’s daily routine. We are alerted to the Lord’s Prayer being an additional offering, an innovation of grace, and a further initiation for the Christian. The prayer furthermore reflects John the Baptist’s teaching of his disciples [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Martha And Mary Welcome Jesus | Work And Prayer | Jesus’ Ministry
Jesus’ journey has taken him to Bethany, the village where Lazarus, Martha and Mary live. There is clearly a feast happening. So often we find Jesus’ ministry associated with great banqueting, on what must have been quite a lavish scale, considering the milieu, the poverty suffered by many in the Holy Land. The story that follows has a similar shape to one of Jesus’ parables, but this is a real event in the life of our Lord. There is a certain contrast between the doings of Martha and Mary, which have symbolic significance, in ways which might seem initially counter-intuitive [ … ]
Parables Of Jesus | Parable of the Good Samaritan | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Jesus works so hard to overcome division and to bring people together. Jesus always in his teaching is breaking down the petty divisions that keep people apart: he drives a sword through ready made social definitions and prejudice, saying instead that we are all human beings, called to be together and to be with God, as God’s chosen [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Seventy Return From Their Mission | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | KJV
The seventy have been sent ahead of Jesus to prepare the way for Jesus; they have been sent to the towns and places – the ‘cities’ of the Gospels are for the most part small towns and villages – to which Jesus intended to travel. These disciples have been sent in a spirit of poverty, told by Jesus to trust in God, and so as a corollary in human hospitality. The disciples have borne the message that the kingdom of God is imminent. In humility as in poverty, they have been sent by Jesus as evangelists. In Bible verses, we witness the first missionaries, swelled with good news, return to Lord Jesus to share the joy of the initial, explosive success of their work of evangelizing [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Reproaches Cities For Their Unbelief | King James Audio Bible | Jesus Announces Apocalypse | God’s Love In The Book Of Revelation
Jesus has with him his disciples. Additionally, Jesus has attracted the interest and attention of many multitudes of people. Here, however, we discover a failure of conversion to be the norm for many of the people – indeed, so we might infer, for the generality [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Mission Of The Seventy Disciples | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | God’s Love In The Book Of Revelation
The seventy disciples, or as some authorities state: the seventy two, are symbolic of the sending to all nations, and supplementary to the Twelve. There is a numerical symbolism here, the meaning of which we may with confidence say concerns a sending of the Gospel to all nations [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Follow Jesus | Kingdom Of God | King James Audio Bible | Old Testament Prophecies Of The Kingdom
It is not for us to adapt Jesus to our lives; it is for us to conform our lives to Jesus. This is a lesson of these Gospel verses. Once we have heard the call of God through Jesus, there must be no umming and ahhing, no by now secondary considerations interfering in our new relationship with Jesus. Our life should now be his. As and when it is proper, all else will follow. If it isn’t appropriate, then it won’t [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Samaritans Refuse To Receive Jesus | The Way To Jerusalem | King James Audio Bible | Jesus Saves Us
Many Christians live in places that are hostile to Christianity. This hostility takes different forms. In the United Kingdom, there is significant but often banal hostility to Christianity, including on the part of those who term themselves notionally Christian, but who really never want to gather to worship God. Christians in the United Kingdom are not generally at risk of physical harm. It is a sickening truth that where there is such risk, it is most often sectarian, for example in Belfast or Glasgow [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus And A Child | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Saint Luke’s Gospel
Today’s Gospel verses follow upon Jesus’ second announcement of his Passion, which the disciples do not understand and about which they are afraid to ask Jesus. This lack of understanding and fear, a certain kind of removal from Jesus, lead into an argument among the disciples about which of them was the greatest. We may sense in these verses some jockeying for position as the disciples think of themselves apart from Jesus, as, perhaps, that which is veiled is nonetheless dimly communicated, and as the hearts of the disciples are as yet far from perfect understanding of Jesus [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus’ Second Announcement Of The Passion | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The people are astonished by Jesus, in whom they see the mighty power of God. Straight away, though, Jesus turns to his disciples to tell them of the truth of his Messianic mission. In veiled terms, Jesus announces his passion and death: the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. There is extreme contrast between the people’s, and the disciples’, understanding of how the Messiah shall be, and the reality of Christ’s true mission on Earth, to suffer, to be crucified, and so to ransom mankind, redeeming us from death and sin. There is secret, hidden truth, which only gradually becomes manifest through the course of the Gospels [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Peter’s Profession Of Faith | Jesus Announces The Passion | Christ Of God | King James Audio Bible
Today’s Gospel verses invite us once more to consider the true identity of Jesus. This scene is filled both with a sense of preconceptions and expectations, and with the over-riding knowledge of the new, which is the truth of Jesus. Additionally, we are asked by Jesus to declare the truth of our knowledge of who Jesus is. We are invited by Jesus to confess our Christian faith [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Herod Hears Of Jesus | Herod Antipas | Herod The Tetrarch | King James Audio Bible KJV
The Jews of Jesus’ time hold varying and confused views as to the resurrection of the dead, indeed the Sadducees denying resurrection. The concept of the immortal soul had developed through time. It was with Christ that we attained full and perfect knowledge of the soul’s immortality and of the life to come [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Mission Of The Twelve Apostles | King James Audio Bible KJV | Preach The Gospel
Jesus has amazed the people with his teaching and with his signs and healing miracles. Now Jesus entrusts and enables the Twelve to go out and to do the same. In calling the Twelve, Jesus intensifies the announcement of the good news. Here is a further stage by which Jesus founds his Church, sending his disciples out on mission and giving them power [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | True Kinsmen Of Jesus | Jesus’ Family | King James Audio Bible KJV | Word Of God
Relatives of Jesus, with Jesus’ mother Mary, have come to speak with him, but Jesus does not wish to meet with them. Jesus had problems with his family. We may consider some of the ways in which our own families support us, and at other times may hinder us from doing what is right. Jesus’ refusal to meet with his family is clearly expressed in all three of the Synoptic Gospels [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Parable Of The Sower | The Meaning Of Parables | King James Audio Bible KJV
In teaching his parables, Jesus draws on a range of lived experience which would be familiar to his listeners. Often the parables describe work situations, reminding us that we are to root our Christian faith in a life that is useful to others, and that the whole texture of our lives should reflect our love of Jesus [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Holy Women In The Gospels | King James Audio Bible | Jesus And Family
Yesterday, we heard in the Gospel of Jesus’ most merciful response to the woman who came to him begging forgiveness for her sins. Today we learn more about Jesus’ relationships with women. Given the understandings of the time, this Gospel account of the women in Jesus’ life is surprising and also inspiring. Luke’s Gospel has been considered the Gospel of women. In these Bible verses, we find the women who followed Jesus, as disciples, to be accounted as equivalent to the men [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Penitent Woman At Simon The Pharisee’s Feast | Blessings Of Jesus | Forgiveness Of Sin
Jesus has been invited to dinner by Simon the Pharisee, which occasion in itself reminds us of the inclusivity of Jesus’ mission. There it would be customary for the men to recline on low divans, leaning on their left arm with their legs tucked under them, away from the table. It would also be customary for the host to honour his guests with a kiss of greeting, with water for their feet, and with perfumes [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Children Sitting In The Marketplace | Wisdom Is Justified Of Her Children | King James Audio Bible KJV
There is such over-flowing of goodness and joy in our response to Jesus. Faced with such overwhelming power of truth, it is paradoxically to be expected that people will object. We may all have felt a certain closing off at times, a rejection of what might be best in favour of what we know and are accustomed to. Too many of the people of Jesus’ time look set to reject him, just because of who he is and what he represents – i.e. the truth and the new and better way – rather than because of all that he says and does. These people seek evil where there is only good [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Son Of The Widow Of Nain Restored To Life | Jesus’ Love | King James Audio Bible | KJV
When he saw the young man who had died, and his mother, Jesus had compassion. Compassion means literally to suffer with. This is what Jesus experienced as he entered Nain: Jesus suffered with the young man who had died and with his mother. Then Jesus touched the bier and he restored the young man to life. Jesus said to the man who was dead: Arise [ … ]