Christ’s journey from Galilee to Jerusalem is an ascent, literally, that occupies the central third of Luke’s Gospel. When the journey begins, it is made explicit that this is a journey toward the cross: ‘And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem…’ (Luke 9: 51) Christ’s teachings as he and his disciples travel are cued to the sense of steady, deliberate movement toward the Passion [ … ]
Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God
Office Of Readings | Week 7 Saturday | A Commentary On Ecclesiastes By Saint Gregory Of Agrigentum
In the words of Ecclesiastes: Light itself is delightful, and it is a great boon for the eye to have sight of the sun. Devoid of light, the world would be without beauty and life would be lifeless. That was why Moses, who saw God, said in anticipation: And God saw the light and said that it was good. To reflect on the true and eternal light is even more fitting for us. This light is Christ who enlightens every man who comes into the world, the savior and redeemer of the world. He is the one who became man and sank to the very depths of the human condition. As David said: Sing to God a hymn to his name, make a highway for him who rises to the west. His name is the Lord, rejoice before him! [ … ]
King David And The Coming Of Christ | A Gospel Moment | A Boy King David Declares The Gospel | Parables And Miracles Of Jesus
Like and share this new collection of videos on YouTube. Each video features a young King David in the Temple, proclaiming a passage from Saint Matthew’s Gospel. Each is a striking reminder of deep connection between Jewish history, King David, and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ [ … ]
Jesus Teaches The Lord’s Prayer | Deep And Secret Faith In Jesus Christ | Our Father | Love Our Fellow Human Beings With Jesus | Incommensurate Value Of Human Beings | Christian Love
Jesus teaches this invitation to deeper prayer. Jesus calls us to pray from the heart, in humility and intimacy with the Father. Take a moment to quiet your mind and open your heart.
I invite the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts. How can my prayer life be more in tune with God’s will?
George Herbert | The Temple | Affliction (4) | Christian Poems | Metaphysical Poetry
George Herbert’s Affliction (4) explores a personal and spiritual journey marked by expectation, suffering, and ultimate resignation to God’s will. The poem follows Herbert’s movement from early enthusiasm and joy in his relationship with God to a period of deep suffering and questioning, before finally arriving at a state of reluctant submission. The structure and language of the poem reflect the volatility of this experience, capturing shifts in mood and understanding as Herbert struggles with divine providence [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | Elijah As John The Baptist | Christian Social Justice | Kingdom Of God
The disciples Peter, James and John have just witnessed the Transfiguration on the mountain. They have seen the glorified Christ, and now they are puzzled, because they have been taught that Elijah would come before the Messiah. These are the verses from the prophet Malachi, which are the last words of the Old Testament:
Daily Bible Verses For Advent | Christ’s Reproach To This Generation | Children In The Marketplace | Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God
The image of children in these Bible verses is curious. We could read the lines as suggesting childishness, with one group of children expecting to amuse another and reacting peevishly when those others do not move according to the music they play. We could more broadly read these verses as suggesting a disconnect between various children, a failure of communication, recognition, response, which is emblematic of Christ and his followers and those who reject him …
Daily Bible Verses For Advent | John The Baptist | The Kingdom Of Heaven | King James Audio Bible KJV
In today’s verses, Jesus pays tribute to John the Baptist, telling the crowds that John the Baptist, until the dawn of the New Testament, the arrival of the Kingdom of God, was the greatest of people. John the Baptist was a courageous, inspirational figure and had the honour of proclaiming Christ’s presence, then he looked on satisfied as his disciples went from him to follow Christ: ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’
Daily Bible For Advent | Parables Of Jesus Recalled | The Lost Sheep | Children In Christian Faith | Jesus And A Child
In these verses of the Bible, Christ expresses the love of God for all people. Christ’s is not an exclusive calling, nor especially a calling to those who most clearly, visibly, seem to adhere to the requirements of the Old Law; he has come to bring home to God those who have wandered, sinners who have fallen far from the Law. When a sinner comes home to God, there is incredible rejoicing in heaven. So we, though we may sin, should never be afraid to return to the Church, to say sorry, confess our sins, and find forgiveness [ … ]
Daily Bible For Advent | Jesus’ Prayer And Healing | The Sermon On The Mount Concludes | Sin And Faith | The House Built On A Rock
Matthew’s account of the Sermon on the Mount has been related through the whole of chapters five, six and seven of his Gospel. Jesus concludes his teachings with today’s Bible verses, which carry both a promise and a warning. Commencing with the Beatitudes, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount has presented to the people, toward the start of his ministry, a most beautiful, transformative understanding of God’s call to us to be with Him and to live according to the real, inner truth of the law [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Prayer And Vigilance | Watch For The Son Of Man | End Times | Kingdom Of God | Jesus Is Coming Soon
Most of the signs Christ describes to his listeners in the eschatological discourse had already been realized by the time Luke’s first audience would have heard his Gospel. There had been, and were, wars, persecutions, family conflict, and Jerusalem with the Temple had been destroyed. The Christians of Luke’s time listening to these Gospel verses, of today and since Tuesday, could then have been encouraged to know that they were very close to Christ’s full revelation, his apocalypse, and so have courage to bear persecutions and other great challenges of the early Church [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Lesson Of The Fig Tree | Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God | Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon
Just as Jesus’ listeners know how to interpret signs in nature, the trees beginning to bud and shoot new leaves as they come to life in spring, so Jesus tells them that, when they see and experience the upheavals described by Jesus in our Gospel verses of the past few days, they will know that the Kingdom of God is near [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Eschatological Discourse | Destruction Of The Temple | Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God
In Luke’s account of the eschatological discourse, the apocalypse – from the Greek for revelation – is clearly envisaged as beginning in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. The natural world is portrayed as being in a state of turmoil, and this reinforces for the listener the impact of what will be – has been by the time of Luke’s writing – a political event. The Jewish rebellion and the sacking of Jerusalem will be brutal and bloody [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Day Of Christ’s Coming | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Jesus continues to speak to his listeners about the apocalyptic coming of the Son of Man. Using a highly elevated, figurative language, laden with symbol and metaphor, Jesus describes the second coming, or Parousia, which marks the end of this period of history and the inauguration of the new age, the days of the Son of man; it is a scene of sudden, violent destruction and transformation, and a scene of judgement [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Coming Of The Kingdom of God | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The Kingdom of God has come in the person of Jesus. This is Jesus’ message, and it is this that will lead to his being crucified. It is this toward which the language of apocalypse directs us: our old way of being fractures with the coming of Jesus; the new reality of which we are a part is as lightning flashing across the sky – across the whole sky, the whole of our world, from one side to the other. And still we are told there is to be no visible sign of the coming of the Kingdom. It is within us, in the midst of us, when we walk as disciples with Jesus [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Faith As A Grain Of Mustard Seed | Forgiving Offences | King James Audio Bible KJV | Parables
To cause scandal is to drive other people away from the path of faith, to cause another person to sin, to withdraw from a life of grace, to cease to believe in redemption in Jesus Christ. This is a terrible sin, and we know that it does not stop there. The evil spreads, and soon it is common practice to denigrate Christianity. We think of the millions upon millions of little ones – and this in ‘Christian countries’ – who have never been introduced to Jesus, and of all the attendant troubles they experience because their spiritual lives have not been fostered. The signs of this spiritual neglect are endemic, while when many people speak against Christianity they do not even know what it is that they are objecting to; they have become in so little time so far removed from what could have been their inheritance, the living faith [ … ]
Parable Of The Unjust Steward | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Today’s parable may seem to us to be very strange. Fired for corruption, for being wasteful with the rich man’s property, the dishonest steward goes on to compound the error with outright criminality, marking down the debts of the rich man’s debtors in order to secure future favours. And Jesus praises him! [ … ]
Parables Of God’s Mercy | The Lost Sheep And The Lost Coin | King James Audio Bible KJV | Parables Of Jesus
The publicans (tax collectors) and other sinners are drawn to hear Jesus’ teaching. Perhaps they feel Jesus offers hope to them especially. While the scribes and Pharisees, despising sinners, find Jesus behaviour as he mixes with such people to be utterly objectionable, Jesus receives all humanity with love, understanding and, where there is faith and repentance, forgiveness. It is as if the people know that they are not condemned but can be accepted by Jesus. He offers them hope [ … ]
Parable Of The Invited Guests | What Do Jesus’ Parables Mean? | Audio KJV | Vocation | Kingdom Of Heaven | Prayer
The Jews of Christ’s time thought of the coming of the Messiah and the restoration of Israel in terms of a great banquet, where poverty would give way to plenty and conflict to fellowship. Jesus has told two parables, while he dines at the house of the leader of the Pharisees, one of the choice of places at a feast and one of inviting the sick and the poor. In the light of the parables, a guest at the meal is moved to express the hope of the coming of the Messiah [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Greatest Commandment | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Love Your Neighbour As You Love Yourself | Kingdom Of God
Jesus has discussed the resurrection of the dead with those who question him. He has spoken truly and in accordance with the Old Testament teachings of the Bible. The scribe who now asks Jesus his question is clearly a just man; he is not seeking to test Jesus but rather to learn from him and discover the truth. Jesus sees this and makes time to speak to the scribe quite plainly. The scribe accepts what Jesus has to say and we hear of Jesus’ message sinking into his heart [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | O Jerusalem, Jerusalem | Herod Threatens Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | Kingdom Of God
Some few of the Pharisees now show solidarity with Jesus, warning him that Herod Antipas means to kill him. Herod has previously expressed a wish to meet Jesus (Luke 9: 9), about whom he was perplexed, wondering if John the Baptist had risen again. We do not know whether the Pharisees simply want to get Jesus to go away or if there is danger [ … ]
Parables Of The Mustard Seed And Of The Leaven | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The two parables make it clear that Christ intended the newly inaugurated phase of the history of our salvation to be the work of ages. His second coming was not to be an apocalyptic end of the world as we know it in weeks, months or just a few years after that first Easter. The world’s faith would grow with time. Christ’s Church would grow, to encompass the whole world. Christ intended the Gospel be preached to everyone the world over and through all subsequent history [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | A Life of Humility and Service | Is It Lawful For A Man To Put Away His Wife? | Jesus’ Teachings On Love
Jesus has told his disciples about the Passion to come for the third time, as they journey to Jerusalem, and still this grizzly series of events, of mockery, scourging and death, is quite beyond the disciples’ comprehension. It is a great testimony to the apostles’ honesty and humility that, in recounting the Gospel, they do not seek to conceal their early weaknesses; these men chosen by Jesus have yet to be transformed through grace, to become the great pillars of the Church. Now further weakness is recalled, as the disciples reveal their ambition to have a powerful and prestigious position when the Kingdom comes [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | Follow Jesus | Kingdom Of God | King James Audio Bible | Old Testament Prophecies Of The Kingdom
It is not for us to adapt Jesus to our lives; it is for us to conform our lives to Jesus. This is a lesson of these Gospel verses. Once we have heard the call of God through Jesus, there must be no umming and ahhing, no by now secondary considerations interfering in our new relationship with Jesus. Our life should now be his. As and when it is proper, all else will follow. If it isn’t appropriate, then it won’t [ … ]