
Daily Bible Verses | The Gospel Of Saint Luke

Daily Bible Verses | The Centurion’s Faith | Lord, I Am Not Worthy That You Should Enter Under My Roof | God Is Love | Revealed By Jesus Christ

‘Domine, non  sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea.’ ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’ With these words, so many of us will seek to rid ourselves of bad thoughts before receiving communion. We have recollected ourselves in silent time to examine our consciences, we have confessed, we have listened to readings from Scripture – and even in that short time following there has been time to sin anew, as also there is heightened awareness of our sins, and too of inherent sinfulness [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Good Treasure Of Our Hearts | Jesus’ Sermon On The Plain | Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled | God Is Love | King James Audio Bible | KJV

It is as if to say: nothing that we hold in our heart of hearts is secret; nothing that we think is invisible; all that we are exists and is active in our relationships with others. Just as God sees through to the core of our being, so we inevitably share all we are with all other people in our lives, influencing their lives because they are in communion with us [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Can The Blind Lead The Blind? | Jesus’ Sermon On The Plain | God Is Love | King James Audio Bible | KJV

We are called to self-knowledge by Jesus. It can be strange to realise that we have been looking at life, and other people, through the filter of our own prejudices, our own mental baggage, the accumulation of our individual and less than perfect history. Our experience, good and bad, and the impact of our experience constitute in large measure the glasses, the spectacles, through which we see the world and regard other people [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Love Your Enemies | Jesus’ Christian Way Of Perfection | Sermon On The Plain | God Is Love | King James Audio Bible | The Golden Rule

We learn so much about our true relationship with God and with other people in these Gospel verses. Perhaps we might say rather, we are reminded of so much, because these are Christian truths we have long been taught and have long known, but which often are neglected and forgotten. We are recalled in these Gospel verses to Christian truth [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles | Jesus Healing Many | God Is Love | King James Audio Bible KJV | Gospels

Since beginning his ministry, Jesus has called his first disciples to follow him. Now it is time to choose, from his disciples, the twelve who are to be called Apostles, that is those who are to be most especially sent to preach, on mission, and to found and to lead the Church. There are key, notable stages as Jesus constitutes his Church – the Apostles will be fully confirmed in their mission on the day of Pentecost. This is one such important stage [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals A Man With A Withered Hand On The Sabbath | Pharisees In Jewish Life And Culture | King James Audio Bible KJV

Today’s Gospel reading continues to centre upon the debates about the Sabbath, in which Jesus and the Pharisees are involved. While the Pharisees watch Jesus, to see how he might violate the Law, Jesus does not shy away from the healing and redemptive opportunity. Indeed, to challenge the Pharisees in this way is in itself a restorative, a salvific, act. Jesus asks us to consider God’s commandments in the knowledge that God is love. Here is an inmost truth of our relationship with God [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Son Of Man Is Lord Of The Sabbath | King James Audio Bible KJV | Pray The Gospels

The Sabbath day, Saturday, was established by God in order to allow the Jewish people a special time to worship, and so therefore to fulfil their purpose and the highest good on Earth, which is to worship God. The Law was established through Moses following upon the release from Egypt, during which time of punishment the people had been prevented from worshipping God. Clearly, God wants us to have time to worship. It is sin when people prevent other people from having such time. This is central to our belief as Christians. The Lord’s Day, Sunday, is sacrosanct. It is our best opportunity in a busy and difficult world to give time to God [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | A Discussion On Fasting | New Wine In Old Bottles | King James Audio Bible KJV | Pray The Gospels

Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days toward the start of his ministry. This was a time of preparation, while Jesus was tempted by Satan. Matthew’s Gospel account most fully expresses the time of fasting as one in which Jesus declares his assumed humanity to be in accord with his Father’s will, oriented toward God’s saving purpose. Fasting is an aspect of many historical religions. We are asked to fast at particular times, and as we do, in our physical hunger, we may discover a closer relationship with God, even when our fasting can be mentally challenging [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Curing Of Simon Peter’s Mother-in-law | Jesus Casts Out Demons | King James Audio Bible | KJV

When Jesus heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, the effect is instant. Not only does the fever leave her immediately, she is able immediately to get up out of bed and to serve Jesus and the other people present. This tells us something of the nature of our own healing, our freeing from sin, by Jesus. We are called and we are enabled to serve. This is our active participation in Christian community. We may recall that the sick were excluded from participation in religious services in Jewish society. Jesus calls the sick home, to be with God [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Preaching In Nazareth | No Prophet Is Accepted In His Own Country | Miracles Of Jesus

The three synoptic Gospels tell us of this episode of Jesus’ life, when he returned home to Nazareth and preached in the synagogue there. Luke’s Gospel gives us the text of Isaiah read by Jesus, in which Jesus’ announces his messianic mission – to bring the good news to the poor, to live and to identify with the poor, to heal us and set us at liberty from sin. As Jesus closes the book, he omits the following from Isaiah 61: 2: ‘…and the day of vengeance of our God.’ This is deliberate interruption. Jesus is not come to maintain old enmities. Jesus’ way is peace. It is the people of all the world who are to be blessed in Christ [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Sunday Week 3 | Jesus Appears To His Disciples In Jerusalem

The disciples who encountered Jesus on their way to Emmaus have returned in haste to tell the disciples in Jerusalem what they have heard and seen. Jerusalem has long been a city special to God. It is the Holy City. The Church of Christ is described, in the New Testament, as the Jerusalem above, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the new Jerusalem [ … ]

Spiritual Armor Of Saint George | Life Of Faith And Courage | King James Audio Bible | Word Aloud | King James Version KJV | Christian Saints

Saint George was born in Cappadocia, present-day Turkey, to Christian parents in the late 3rd century. His father was a Roman army official, which influenced George’s decision to pursue a military career. Saint George rose to a high rank within the Roman army but faced a turning point when Emperor Diocletian issued edicts against Christians in 303 AD [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Wednesday Week 1 | The Road To Emmaus | Jesus Walks Beside Us | King James Audio Bible

This is a dark time, and, as Luke writes his Gospel, it is a dark time for the Christian communities. Jesus has been crucified. Well then, so the logic of the Old Law states, Jesus could not possibly have been the Messiah. Except he was. Luke writes primarily for the communities of Greece, mostly pagan converts. There has been the great persecution of Nero. Jerusalem has been destroyed in the year 70 by the Romans [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Thursday Week 1 | Jesus Appears To His Disciples In Jerusalem | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

The disciples who encountered Jesus on their way to Emmaus have returned in haste to tell the disciples in Jerusalem what they have heard and seen. Jerusalem has long been a city special to God. It is the Holy City. The Church of Christ is described, in the New Testament, as the Jerusalem above, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the new Jerusalem. It is here that Christ suffered. It is from here that the Kingdom of God begins to spread [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus In The Synagogue In Capernaum | King James Audio Bible Bible

Capernaum was a small city on the crossroad of two important routes, one from Asia Minor, leading to Petra on the south of the Transjordan, the other from the region of the two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, descending toward Egypt. Jesus’ move to Capernaum helped his contact with the people, and so the spreading of the Good News [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Preaches In Nazareth | No Prophet In His Own Country | Faith Healing | Holy Spirit | King James Audio KJV

The three synoptic Gospels tell us of this episode of Jesus’ life, when he returned home to Nazareth and preached in the synagogue there. Luke’s Gospel gives us the text of Isaiah read by Jesus, in which Jesus’ announces his messianic mission – to bring the good news to the poor, to live and to identify with the poor, to heal us and set us at liberty from sin. As Jesus closes the book, he omits the following from Isaiah 61: 2: ‘…and the day of vengeance of our God.’ This is deliberate interruption. Jesus is not come to maintain old enmities. Jesus’ way is peace. It is the people of all the world who are to be blessed in Christ [ … ]

Parable Of The Prodigal Son | Parables Of Jesus

The parable of the prodigal son is among the most famous of the parables which Jesus teaches us. Indeed the phrase ‘prodigal son’ is familiar to English speakers who might not tend to read the Bible very often if at all. In the parable of the prodigal son, the story Jesus tells is so homely and familiar to our lives, and to our most basic human and family instincts, that even without the deeper meanings as we interpret the parable, it would be powerfully moving to hear as a tale of estrangement and difficulty followed by forgiveness and reconciliation through love [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Parable Of Lazarus And The Rich Man | Hell And Judgement | Christian Charity | Audio KJV

Jesus speaks in parables when he has something important to communicate. The meaning of a parable may seem obscure or in need of explanation. Jesus does give interpretations of the parables to his disciples. We are encouraged through the parables to see our world in new and perhaps unexpected ways. The parables encourage us to think more deeply about Jesus’ teaching. They are, above all, a challenge – even an anarchic challenge – to everything we think we know [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Jesus Foretells His Death And Resurrection | Son Of Man | Messiah | Belief In Jesus | Audio KJV

Jesus orders his disciples to keep his true identity, as the Messiah, a secret. We might wonder why this should be. One answer to this is that many of the people of whom we read in the Bible were hoping for and expecting the coming of the Messiah, who would lead the Jewish people to freedom, and yet their expectation – of a new judge or great warrior king – was not in accord with Christ’s true purpose, namely to serve and to suffer and so to save [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | Fourth Sunday Of Advent | Hail Mary, Full Of Grace, The Lord Is With Thee

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading we are reminded particularly of the devotion we offer to Mary and of the saving grace the Mother of God brings to our relationship with Jesus. We are reminded once again to think of Mary as the greatest intercessor to whom we may pray. We think as well of how through our relationship with Mary we help enable our knowledge of God within our hearts: it is as if through our love of the Mother of God, Christ may be continually born within us; we seek to become akin to Mary, to emulate her example, so that through the Mother we may the better know the Son [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | Sin, Redemption, Baptism | True Faith | John The Baptist, More Than A Prophet

Jesus pays tribute to John the Baptist is a way which is enormously encouraging to the crowds. He teaches them that they have already begun to respond to God’s call. They have searched for God, and they have travelled on pilgrimage to see John the Baptist, who was not something flimsy and delicate but a prophet, and the greatest of the prophets at that, because he is nearest to Christ, especially called to prepare the way and to point Christ out to his followers [ … ]

When Was Jesus Born? | The Nativity Of Christ | When Were The Gospels Written? | Why The Birth Of Christ The Winter Solstice?

Saint Luke states that Jesus was born in Nazareth and that his parents had to travel to Bethlehem for a census, which was conducted when Quirinius was Governor of Syria. The reference to Quirinius as Governor of Syria is significant because historical records indicate that he held this position twice, first from AD 6-9 and again from AD 11-12 This means that Jesus’ birth would fall around these dates, and at least a decade after the date suggested by Matthew. [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Kingdom Of God And The Kingdom Of Satan | Jesus The Exorcist | Audio KJV

Jesus has performed miracles and his redeeming power over the devils which possess people is clearly apparent; Jesus’ power over evil is manifest. The people marvel, and yet their hearts are hardened to the truth of Jesus. Rather than see with their eyes and understand, they reject the truth of Christ. They retreat to within the evil that holds them captive, which prevents them from seeing the truth of Jesus. They mutter and grumble and gossip, actively seeking to suggest the worst possible and false interpretation of what they have witnessed. They have seen the work of absolute good. They choose to accuse this good of being evil. They do not rise to the message of Christ [ .. ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Finding Of Jesus In The Temple | The Hidden Life Of Jesus At Nazareth

The infancy narratives of Jesus are more than mere history. Luke’s accounts of Jesus’ infancy constitute a theological and Christological prologue to his Gospel. Many great truths of the Gospels are here prefigured. We may think of the Jesus’ infancy narratives given to us in Luke as a beautiful gateway, through which we enter to encounter the Gospels as a whole. This would certainly be appropriate to the spirit of our celebrations of Christmas, when we rejoice that God has answered our calls to be with us, as we celebrate the great mystery of the Incarnation [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | The Nativity Of The Lord | Christ Is Born | The Shepherds Hear The Good News | Christmas Midnight And Dawn

Jesus is born into what must have been, for Mary and Joseph, the most trying, indeed tedious, of circumstances. Who of us likes filling in a tax return? And we don’t usually have to travel to a different city to do so, let alone know that our taxes are dictated by a foreign and conquering power [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | The Magnificat

In this, the Magnificat, Mary’s soul overflows with joy as she contemplates the wonderful blessing God has bestowed on her, surpassing indeed the gifts to any other person in history. Through her obedience and humility, Mary has been magnified herself by the Lord, such that we now recognize her greatness and call her blessed – each day, indeed, as we recite or sing the canticle as part of evening prayer [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Sign Of Jonah | Circumcision Of The Heart | The Evil Generation Seek A Sign

The crowds gather to see and to hear Jesus. Among them, as Matthew relates in his Gospel (Matthew 12: 38-42), are the scribes and Pharisees, who ask for a sign from Jesus to prove his divinity. Jesus refuses to confirm his preaching with dramatic signs. It is his teaching Jesus wishes the people to hear. Through seeking to taunt Jesus, and through their unbelief, the scribes and the Pharisees express the hardness of their hearts. Christ is present to them and they refuse to see. Christ is speaking to them and they refuse to hear. Through the Gospel, we have witnessed Christ’s miracles. And we are called to hear his word. ‘An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.’ [ … ]

Parable Of The Pharisee And The Tax Collector | Parables Of Jesus

This is among the most perfect of the parables to listen to during Lent – indeed, it has resonances that must extent to each and every time we receive the Eucharist. We are simply not worthy. And God’s mercy extends to us nonetheless. The prayer of the Pharisee is false. It is not true prayer. We see him, standing there in the presence of God and congratulating himself, as if he does not need God for his redemption, as if he can redeem himself [ … ]

Parable Of Lazarus And The Rich Man | Parables Of Jesus

Jesus speaks in parables when he has something important to communicate. The meaning of a parable may seem obscure or in need of explanation. Jesus does give interpretations of the parables to his disciples. We are encouraged through the parables to see our world in new and perhaps unexpected ways. The parables encourage us to think more deeply about Jesus’ teaching. They are, above all, a challenge – even an anarchic challenge – to everything we think we know [ … ]
