
Daily Bible Verses | The Gospel Of Saint Mark

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals A Man With A Withered Hand | Faith Healing | Prayer And Miracles | The Sabbath

By now, and at such an early stage in Jesus’ ministry, the Jewish religious establishment is coming to fear and to hate Jesus. The Pharisees watch him, like malign, predatory spirits, looking to see fault and ready to pounce on any incriminating evidence. They have already closed their hearts against Jesus. To the Pharisees, Jesus represents a threat – to their own prestige – and an affront to their religious dogmas [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals The Paralytic Man | Faith And Christian Healing | Jesus Forgives Sins

The words of Jesus to the paralytic man on his bed might have seemed strange and even, at first, insensitive: the paralytic has been brought to Jesus seeking to be healed, and Jesus says to him: ‘Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.’ This could hardly be what the paralysed man might have been expecting [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Leper Healed | Christian Faith And The Forgiveness Of Sins | Be Thou Clean | God’s Mercy

As Jesus died on the cross he would have looked like a leper. He had been scourged. Front and back, his skin would have been a bloody mess of welts, cuts and bruises. Being himself without sin, he died in the image of some of those most abject whom he came to save. Truly the self-sacrifice of our Lord was complete and extreme [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals The People of Capernaum | Jesus Prays Alone | Faith And Solitude | Communion

Through these verses, we see Jesus healing Simon’s mother in her home, immediately restoring her to wellbeing, so that she is able to serve life. Here Jesus heals in an intimate, domestic environment, within the home. The verses ask us to think of our families and our nearest and dearest ones [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Prayer And Healing | Christ’s Ministry In Galilee | Exorcism | Jesus Heals The Sick And Casts Out Devils | King James Audio Bible KJV

Christ continues his work of healing and exorcism. He passes from the synagogue, a Jewish meeting place for prayer and for reading of the Scriptures, to enter into the home of Simon and Andrew. The Bible tells us that Jesus spends much of his time preaching in synagogues. Later, during his Passion, Jesus will tell Pilate that he has always taught openly in synagogues. There is indeed a great openness to Jesus’ teaching. Many are called, here in a space which would be at the spiritual heart of local Jewish communities. Similarly, we are called as followers of Christ to spread the good news. Our openness with our love of Christ reflects Christ’s openness to the people of Galilee and to us [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Teaches And Heals In The Synagogue Of Capernaum | The Sabbath | Jesus The Son, Holy One Of God, Has Authority | Exorcism Of An Unclean Spirit | Audio KJV

Right at the start of Jesus’ ministry, Mark tells us of the fundamental difference between Jesus and other religious teachers. As we listen to these verses, we are struck by the presence of a Christ who is not, as so many in our modern age like to think, only a fine moral teacher, or a wise man with some fascinating spiritual insights to offer us. When Jesus talks about the Scriptures, when he teaches the people about God, he speaks not as the scribes but with authority, and he has that authority because he knows the Father intimately and he is the Son. As the Son, he doesn’t just explain Scripture; it is his right, he has this authority, to change, to add to, to subtract from, to reinterpret what was already received as the word of God [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | He Taught As One That Had Authority | Jesus As Exorcist | God The Son Rebukes Evil Spirits | The Holy One Of Israel

The Bible offers us different accounts of Christ’s first miracle, each suited to the particular needs of the audiences to whom the Gospel evangelists are speaking. In John’s Gospel, the first miracle is that of the wedding feast at Cana. For Luke, it is Jesus freeing himself when those around him, of Nazareth, seek to kill him. Matthew speaks of the healing of a large number of the sick and possessed, most particularly a leper. Here, Mark tells us of the casting out of a devil. In highly compressed form, we are told of how Christ frees us from the fear of evil. He has power over devils. To a people living in fear, this is a most remarkable and wonderful message [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Fishers Of Men | Jesus Calls His Disciples | Vocation | Brothers In Christ Jesus | Our Salvation

The time is come. Jesus has been baptised by John. He has spent time alone in the wilderness, symbolic of the Exodus wanderings, and is come to Galilee to begin his ministry. His first act is to call the first of the apostles to their new vocation. In Mark’s Gospel, as in Matthew’s, this follows upon the arrest of John the Baptist. This clearly differs from the account of John’s Gospel, while the Gospel of Luke could be seen as presenting a more detailed and less stylised account of the meeting of Christ with the fishermen [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Begins To Preach The Gospel | The First Disciples | Jesus In Galilee | Fishers Of Men | Christian Faith | Vocation | Audio KJV

John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way of Jesus, to call the people to repentance of their sins, such that their souls could be readied to receive the grace of our Lord. He was the precursor, the last of a long line of prophets awaiting Christ. As he baptized, he told the people that one greater than he was to come [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Walks On Water | Jesus Stills The Contrary Wind | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Immediately following the feeding of the 5000, the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes, Jesus tells his disciples to get into a boat, so that they may get away from the multitude, while Jesus himself remains to disperse the multitude, and then to go alone into the hills, to a mountain, to pray [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | First Miracle Of The Loaves And Fishes | A Multitude In A Lonely Place | Jesus Teaching

Jesus has invited the disciples to come away with him to find a lonely place, where they might rest. The pressures of the apostolic ministry have been so great, there has not been time even to eat. Jesus and the apostles have gone away from the crowds in a boat, but the people have seen them leave and have run ahead to find them, arriving at the place before Jesus does. Jesus, then, changes his plans. The rest period is not to be. Jesus feels compassion for the spiritual needs of the people. They need the teaching Jesus is able to give to them. They are as sheep without a shepherd. This need is paramount [ … ]

Daily Bible For Advent | First Sunday of Advent | Mark’s Gospel | True Faith | Christians Be With Jesus | Prayer | Let Us Watch

Our first Sunday Bible reading for advent picks up on themes from previous weeks. This now is Mark’s recording of the Sermon in the Temple, and we have here too, at the conclusion of the sermon, a declaration of Christ’s coming, of the parousia, of Christ the King. One key message remains: Beware, keep alert, watch; no one knows when this moment of full revelation will be save the Father. Meanwhile, in this present world, live wholly with Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Scribes And The Poor Widow’s Mite | Jesus In The Temple

In Jerusalem, in the Temple, Jesus continues to teach his disciples, and to correct their understanding of what is truly of value in God’s eyes. The disciples continue to think in very worldly and material ways; they are still the same men who, on the occasion of the multiplication of loaves and fishes, asked the Lord: ‘Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?’ It seemed a lot of money to spend [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Greatest Commandment | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Love Your Neighbour As You Love Yourself | Kingdom Of God

Jesus has discussed the resurrection of the dead with those who question him. He has spoken truly and in accordance with the Old Testament teachings of the Bible. The scribe who now asks Jesus his question is clearly a just man; he is not seeking to test Jesus but rather to learn from him and discover the truth. Jesus sees this and makes time to speak to the scribe quite plainly. The scribe accepts what Jesus has to say and we hear of Jesus’ message sinking into his heart [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | A Life of Humility and Service | Is It Lawful For A Man To Put Away His Wife? | Jesus’ Teachings On Love

Jesus has told his disciples about the Passion to come for the third time, as they journey to Jerusalem, and still this grizzly series of events, of mockery, scourging and death, is quite beyond the disciples’ comprehension. It is a great testimony to the apostles’ honesty and humility that, in recounting the Gospel, they do not seek to conceal their early weaknesses; these men chosen by Jesus have yet to be transformed through grace, to become the great pillars of the Church. Now further weakness is recalled, as the disciples reveal their ambition to have a powerful and prestigious position when the Kingdom comes [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | On Scandal, Sin and Hell | Divine Mercy | Jesus’ Teachings | Casting Out Devils

John tells Jesus that he and other disciples have forbidden a man from casting out devils in Jesus’ name, and Jesus tells him that he was wrong to do this. The man was doing good, irrespective of his not belonging to the community of disciples following Jesus. There is no call for exclusivity, so long as people are working faithfully for and toward the good. Jesus displays an ecumenical attitude here. Different faiths, different churches, can peacefully co-exist and work alongside each other for the greater good [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus’ Second Announcement Of The Passion | The Way Of Service | Jesus And A Child

Jesus has a different way of teaching his disciples from that with which he speaks to the many. As he forms them for their apostolic work, so much of what they learn will come from being close to Jesus, living with him, sharing a way of life. We may think of a whole culture, a whole way of thinking and doing and being, being transmitted through a lived and community relationship, rather than, say, of the sort of education which divides the world up into classes and has a textbook and a teacher for each. Christ is no mere teacher in this sense: he is the Master; he is the Way [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Saint Peter | Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me | Jesus Foretells His Death And Resurrection | Jesus’ Disciples

Our verses begin with Jesus asking two questions. The first gives us a sense of the rumour and speculation surrounding Jesus as he preaches. The crowds see Jesus as a prophet, wondering if he might be one of the prophets returned. Jesus’ next question, ‘But whom say ye that I am?’ is a call to his disciples for faith and clarity, and Peter obliges, affirming that Jesus is the Messiah. Once more, Jesus charges his disciples to keep this knowledge secret. It is not yet time for our Lord to reveal himself, perhaps because the social situation is too dangerous, perhaps because the multitudes are not yet ready to receive such spiritual truth – we do not know [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals A Deaf Man | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Miracle Healing | Forgiveness Of Sin

There is a sacramental quality to Jesus’ healing of the deaf man, as he takes him to one side, touches him, lifts his eyes to heaven, and then speaks the healing words of command. In the act of healing, as Jesus lays on his hands, he seems to act as intermediary between the deaf man and heaven, and so it through this that the man is healed [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus The Good Shepherd | The People’s Need | Jesus’ Care And Love For His Disciples | A Desert Place

The apostles have returned exhausted and energized to Jesus. They have succeeded in their mission and they are full of the glory of what they have accomplished. They long to tell Jesus all that they have done in Jesus’ name. This is a triumph for the disciples. They long to share [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Mission Of Jesus’ Disciples | Power Of Exorcism | Trust In God Verse | Scriptures On Trusting God

In a time and in a land where different communities lived side by side yet non-communicatively, fearing, suspecting and disliking one another, and often bound by religious laws telling them not to interact, it is all the more extraordinary that Jesus tells his disciples to trust in life, in providence, in strangers’ hospitality, as they travel throughout the lands, as it would now be internationally, healing people and preaching the Gospel [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | A Prophet Is Not Without Honour, But In His Own Country | Jesus Of Nazareth | Jesus’ Family

It is all too common in our time to see a beautiful gift or initiative rejected by those who are set against anything new and good. Imagine a child standing up in the midst of a small community filled with hatred, whatever form that hatred might take, and that child saying that there is an alternative to hatred, called love. That child could possibly be killed for so doing [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jairus’ Daughter Restored To Life | Curing The Woman With The Haemorrhage | Healing Miracles Of Jesus

It is astonishing to consider that, in all the clamour, in the midst of all the crowd of people, all begging for a piece of our Lord, there should be as it were a special cordon, a sacred space surrounding Lord Jesus, into which the clamour for attention does not pass, such that Jesus passes untouched through the chaos, inviolable – yet one poor woman has the faith to reach out and touch Lord Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Calming Of The Storm | Christian Faith | Symbolic Meaning In The Gospels | Signs And Wonders

Reading Mark’s Gospel, we have a wonderful sense of just how active and mobile Jesus’ ministry around Galilee was. The words ‘immediately’ and ‘straightway’ recur again and again. There is joy and purpose in these words. There is the sense of astonishment people experienced listening to Jesus. And there is the touch of danger, the revolutionary energy of Jesus, and the plots of his enemies [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus’ Mother Mary And Family | Who Are My Mother And My Brethren? | Neighbours In Christ

Jesus family and friends have worried in earlier verses about Jesus’ sanity. His friends have tried to seize him, to save him from himself. Now his mother and his brothers come to find him. It seems natural to assume they are still very concerned, and that there has been what they perceive to be a breach in the family, which may be linked in some way to Jesus’ move to Capernaum [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Law Of The Sabbath | Christian Faith | Truth | Jesus Heals The Withered Hand | Miracle Healing

In these Bible verses, Jesus teaches that the Pharisees have got it all wrong in relation to the Sabbath. While God gave the Sabbath to man as an opportunity to rest and to devote himself to divine worship, the Pharisees have choked the meaning of the Sabbath in a mass of legalese, turning it from being a time of joy into a time of anxiety and empty observance [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus | Fear And Wonder | The Road To Jerusalem | Christian Faith And Prayer | The Passion

As Jesus walks ahead of his disciples on the road to Jerusalem, the people who follow Jesus are amazed and afraid. This is the response of the people, not merely to a great teacher or to a nice man, but to God among them. So often in the Bible, the response of a person to God or to one of God’s messengers, the angels, is just this: they are amazed and they are afraid. Mark’s Gospel is telling us here that, on his way to his Passion, his brutal death, Jesus is God become man [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Sunday Week 7 | Ascension Of The Lord

The disciples receive the universal apostolic mandate, commanded by Jesus to take the good news to the whole world, to preach to everyone. This apostolic mission applies to the Church to this day. It applies to the whole Church, laity included. All members of Christ’s body share the Christian vocation to lead others to faith in Christ, to be instruments or vehicles of salvation for others. We are to take the good news to everyone, through our words, through our works, by example [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Saturday Week 1 | Jesus Helps His Disciples To Believe | The Resurrection | King James Audio Bible | KJV

In his brief, summary account of Jesus’ appearances following his crucifixion and resurrection, Mark stresses the disciples’ disbelief and their reluctance to accept the fact of the resurrection. Mary Magdalene first tries to share the good news. The disciples do not believe her. The two disciples, who are probably the two who meet Jesus on the way to Emmaus (cf. Luke 24: 13-35), are similarly not believed when they tell of what they have witnessed. Finally, Jesus appears to the eleven apostles, upbraiding them for their lack of belief, before he goes on to command them to preach the Gospel to the whole of creation. The question of belief is closely tied to the mission to evangelize given to the apostles [ … ]

Holy Week | Holy Saturday | The Easter Vigil | Between Cross And Resurrection | A Theology | Death And Jesus | Christian Faith | Jesus Died | God Died

It is a time of vigil while Jesus rests and we await his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Jesus has died to free us from our sins. While he rests, the church is a quiet and sombre place. We think of Jesus’ first followers and of what they must have felt and thought through this time. They must have felt very alone and abandoned, and indeed at risk of losing their own lives [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Transfiguration | Elevated Faith | Revelation Of Christian Faith | Audio KJV | King James Audio Bible

As they travel on the way to Jerusalem, Jesus throws his disciples into confusion by telling them about the suffering and death he must undergo. The disciples simply do not understand. For centuries, the Jews have awaited the coming of the Messiah, whom they envisaged as a glorious warrior king, not as one who would suffer and die the most ignominious of deaths, on a cross, of all things. A person condemned to die on a cross could not be the Messiah; rather, according to the Old Law, he had to be “cursed by God” (Deuteronomy 21: 22-23). The disciples cannot see the divine plan for our salvation, while the command for all who would be saved to ‘take up his cross and follow me’ must have seemed both strange and terrifying. To reassure his disciples, Jesus allows them to witness his glorious body through the transfiguration [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Christ Is Tempted By Satan | The Devil | Christ Begins His Ministry | Angels | Christian Love | King James Audio Bible | KJV

The temptations of Christ in the wilderness follow immediately upon his baptism by John, the descent of the Spirit upon him and the declaration of Christ as the Son of God. Jesus has offered himself to perform what is now our first act of Christian initiation, to be baptized. When we are baptized, we are born again in Christ, and we recall the rite practised by John as we imitate Christ. As we embark upon Lent, once more following Christ’s example, we are called to renew our baptismal promises through the acts of penitence we make, once more following Christ’s example [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Casts Out A Devil From A Boy | I Believe, Help My Unbelief | Miracles | Prayer For Healing | King James Audio Bible KJV

Jesus returns with Peter and James and John from the mountain of the transfiguration. He finds a scene which is crowded and confused. The scribes are present, arguing with Jesus’ disciples. They are surrounded by many people, who now catch sight of Jesus and rush to greet him. Jesus asks what has happened to create such a hubbub, and we learn that at its focal point there is sickness, in the form of possession, and inability on the part of the disciples to cast the evil out of the child [ … ]
