
Daily Bible Verses | Parables Of Jesus

The Lamp Under A Bushel | Parables Of Jesus | Share The Love Of Jesus Christ With Everyone | Evangelical Christianity

We are called as Christians not only to love God and to offer our days to Him, but also to shine as a living example to the people we meet each day. We are called to that apostolate which is a part of being a Christian, to proclaim the truth of Christ to the world. There are all sorts of ways in which we can approach this mission. There are those who feel called to preach the Gospel aloud in busy streets, asking passers by to pause for a moment and listen to the word of God. For others, it might seem a brave act to say to a person who might not know us very well, in the course of conversation: I am a Christian [ … ]

Parable Of The Sower | Meaning Of Parables | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

In teaching his parables, Jesus draws on a range of lived experience which would be familiar to his listeners. Often the parables describe work situations, reminding us that we are to root our Christian faith in a life that is useful to others, and that the whole texture of our lives should reflect our love of Jesus [ … ]

Parable Of The Pounds (Talents) | Parables Of Jesus | Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God

Jesus’ listeners continue to think that Jesus is journeying to Jerusalem there to inaugurate an earthly, political Kingdom of God, to expel the Roman power and restore an only ever briefly realized independent nation state in the Promised Land. Jesus speaks this parable, which is similar to the parable of the talents, in order to teach his disciples that they are not very soon to see an instant transformation in the world and that they have a lot of work to do. Their calling is not to be to lord it over others; it is to serve and do the utmost with the gifts they have received through walking with Jesus, to magnify the faith and preach the Gospel to the whole world [ … ]

Parable Of The Unjust Judge | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | Powerful Prayer With Jesus

Jesus teaches his listeners the parable of the unjust judge in order to affirm for them the efficacy of prayer. If even this unrighteous judge will grant the widow’s request, he tells us, how much more will God vindicate his elect, and speedily. We are called upon by Jesus to live a life of prayer – to express and to strengthen our faith through prayer and to channel our ever enriched faith into further prayer. This is the way to orient our lives to God [ … ]

Parable Of The Unjust Steward | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Today’s parable may seem to us to be very strange. Fired for corruption, for being wasteful with the rich man’s property, the dishonest steward goes on to compound the error with outright criminality, marking down the debts of the rich man’s debtors in order to secure future favours. And Jesus praises him! [ … ]

Parables Of God’s Mercy | The Lost Sheep And The Lost Coin | King James Audio Bible KJV | Parables Of Jesus

The publicans (tax collectors) and other sinners are drawn to hear Jesus’ teaching. Perhaps they feel Jesus offers hope to them especially. While the scribes and Pharisees, despising sinners, find Jesus behaviour as he mixes with such people to be utterly objectionable, Jesus receives all humanity with love, understanding and, where there is faith and repentance, forgiveness. It is as if the people know that they are not condemned but can be accepted by Jesus. He offers them hope [ … ]

Parable Of The Invited Guests | What Do Jesus’ Parables Mean? | Audio KJV | Vocation | Kingdom Of Heaven | Prayer

The Jews of Christ’s time thought of the coming of the Messiah and the restoration of Israel in terms of a great banquet, where poverty would give way to plenty and conflict to fellowship. Jesus has told two parables, while he dines at the house of the leader of the Pharisees, one of the choice of places at a feast and one of inviting the sick and the poor. In the light of the parables, a guest at the meal is moved to express the hope of the coming of the Messiah [ … ]

Parables Of The Mustard Seed And Of The Leaven | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

The two parables make it clear that Christ intended the newly inaugurated phase of the history of our salvation to be the work of ages. His second coming was not to be an apocalyptic end of the world as we know it in weeks, months or just a few years after that first Easter. The world’s faith would grow with time. Christ’s Church would grow, to encompass the whole world. Christ intended the Gospel be preached to everyone the world over and through all subsequent history [ … ]

The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

The Galileans Herod has had killed have not behaved any better or worse than other people; they were not worse sinners than whose to whom Jesus addresses his words. God does not always punish sinners in this life. Accidents and acts of brutality may constitute no particular moral judgement. We are sinners. We stand in need of God’s mercy. We must repent [ … ]

Parable Of The Master And The Steward | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | King James Audio Bible | Parables KJV

The parable teaches us that we must be ready, because we do not know when Christ will come to us, for the final account of our lives. This is a warning, edging our lives with the unpredictable. One positive effect of this parable is that it helps us to remain alert to the present moment. While it is easy to allow our thoughts to drift from where we are here and now, to recall the past, to worry or hope for the future, or to slip into daydreams and fantasy altogether, it is when we bring our attention to this very moment of time that we find sharpness, significance, and vibrancy in our life. We may realise just how extraordinary this great gift of life truly is, and feel empowered to live well and offer ourselves wholly to God. When we are attentive to this moment in time we may walk with Jesus [ … ]

Servants Await Their Master | Parable Of Jesus | Faith And Watching | Christian Prayer | Parables KJV

Jesus tells us to be vigilant. In Christ’s time, when the Jews would usually wear long, flowing garments, it was the practice to hitch them up, to gird oneself, in order to be ready to perform certain kinds of work. To gird oneself, therefore, and to keep lights burning, meant to be ready for action. Before the flight from Egypt, at the moment of the Passover, the Israelites had to gird themselves, to be ready to be able to leave immediately (Exodus 12:11) [ … ]

Parable Of The Rich Fool | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

In the clamour of people crowding to be near to Jesus, one man comes to Jesus with a problem which is entirely his own and has nothing to do with his or anyone’s spiritual life. He asks Jesus to use his influence to solve a family dispute about material possessions, the family inheritance, by telling his brother to divide the inheritance fairly [ … ]

Parables Of Jesus | Parable of the Good Samaritan | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Jesus works so hard to overcome division and to bring people together. Jesus always in his teaching is breaking down the petty divisions that keep people apart: he drives a sword through ready made social definitions and prejudice, saying instead that we are all human beings, called to be together and to be with God, as God’s chosen [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Parable Of The Sower | The Meaning Of Parables | King James Audio Bible KJV

In teaching his parables, Jesus draws on a range of lived experience which would be familiar to his listeners. Often the parables describe work situations, reminding us that we are to root our Christian faith in a life that is useful to others, and that the whole texture of our lives should reflect our love of Jesus [ … ]

Parable Of The Wicked Tenants | Parables Of Jesus | Parables Of The Kingdom | Daily Verses Lent | KJV Audio

Jesus offers the parable of the wicked tenants as part of a larger discourse in which he responds, in the Temple, to the challenge of the scribes and the elders of the people concerning his authority. The parable leads the entrenched Jewish authorities to see the truth for themselves and yet still to reject the truth about themselves. Though their lives could have been enlightened by the parable, they refuse conversion and rather seek to arrest Jesus. They have the option to choose good; they choose evil [ … ]

Parables Of Jesus | Parable Of The Talents | King James Audio Bible KJV | Daily Bible Verses

We are taught to use the great gifts God has given us, not to bury our abilities, to take risks, not to be afraid of your Master, to work the gifts we have received to bear fruit for God and the Kingdom, to open ourselves fully to God in the spirit of the New Law, then the Kingdom will grow and welcome all of us.
In the Parable of the Talents, the gifts each servant receives are not identical [ … ]

Parable Of The Ten Virgins | Wise And Foolish Virgins | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | True Faith

It may seem strange to the modern Christian that Christ should have so earnestly told his disciples to remain on high alert for his coming. Jesus does not speak of a repeat Nativity, of his coming once again being in the form of a vulnerable infant, humbled by the obscurity of the place of his birth. Nor does it seem that those of the elect who live to witness his coming might be easily deceived by the false claims of others to be the Messiah. Rather Jesus’ return is to be unmistakeable. He will come in ‘clouds of glory’. This will be an apocalypse. No one knows when this will be, but we feel it is imminent [ … ]

Parables Of Jesus | Parable Of The Marriage Feast | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

In the parable of the marriage feast, Jesus continues to attack the scribes and the Pharisees, the Jewish authorities, who have found themselves threatened by Jesus and who reject him. It is a bold and dangerous message to those who have established power in the Jewish community. Jesus could hardly be telling them more clearly that they have got it wrong, that they were called, by God, long, long ago, and yet they have rejected God’s invitation, that, for all their trappings of piety, they are not with God; they have rejected Him [ … ]

Parables Of Jesus | Parable Of The Workers In The Vineyard | King James Audio Bible | Gospel Faith | KJV

The parable of the workers in the vineyard is addressed especially to the Jewish people, who were called long ago by God to be his people. Now, through the course of the day, new labourers are hired to go into the vineyard. These are the Gentiles, non-Jewish people, who are called now to become part of the new people of God [ … ]

Parable Of The Unforgiving Servant | Parables Of Jesus | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | King James Audio Bible

There are people who say: I forgive, but I do not forget. Why? we may ask. Of what use is this? It is as if we were to attach a condition to our forgiveness, saying, in effect, that we forgive up to a point, but that our forgiveness is not total. Our forgiveness comes with a threat: Your crime is noted. We are really saying: we don’t forgive you all [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Faith | Parables Of The Grain Of Mustard Seed And The Leaven | Thy Kingdom Come | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus

Just as Jesus teaches in these parables of that which is small becoming great, through the process of being hidden, in the earth or in the as yet unleavened dough, so Jesus teaches us, as the Gospel Evangelist teaches us, that the parables themselves reveal that which has been hidden, drawing the listener from a particular instance, readily recognizable from everyday life, to an understanding of matters of deep spiritual and cosmic significance [ … ]

Parables Of Jesus | Christians And The Devil | Parable Of The Weeds | King James Audio Bible KJV | Faith In God

The householder has sown good seed in his field. It is the enemy who has come to corrupt the crop, sowing weeds among the wheat. The weed, cockle, would look very like wheat and could easily be mistaken for wheat until the ears appeared. If ground with the wheat, the flour would be contaminated and the bread nauseas to eat. In the East, personal vengeance might take the form of sowing cockle among an enemy’s wheat [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Explains The Parable Of The Sower | How To Read The Bible | True Faith | King James Audio KJV

Jesus contrasts those who are ready in their hearts to receive the Word of God with those for whom the Word remains obscured. A body of disciples, followers and believers, has begun to form around Jesus. These are they who have understanding, not particularly in an intellectual fashion, but rather because they are lovingly receptive, whereas lack of love opens the door of the soul to the devil. Jesus’ disciples are disposed to conversion, to permit God’s grace to transform their lives. We understand in these verses a contrast between Christian faith and lack of faith [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Prayer And Faith | How To Read The Bible | Teaching The Gospels In Parables

Jesus’ disciples have opened their hearts to Jesus. They have responded to Jesus by being receptive to the Christian truth he brings, and therefore they may be given to understand the parables. The disciples’ understanding of the presence of the Kingdom in their lives, of which the parables speak, follows upon their faith in Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus’ Christian Mysteries | Prayer And Hearing Of The Gospels | Parable Of The Sower | God The Son

With Chapter 13 of Matthew’s Gospel begins the Discourse of the Parables, which concerns the Christian mystery of the Kingdom Of God present in life now. The parables draw us to Jesus, whose divinity is the central fact of the parables. Christ is the veiled truth of each parable. As we uncover the meaning of each of the parables we discover Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Sunday Week 5 & Wednesday | Parable Of The Vine And The Branches

In the Old Testament, the chosen people of Israel have been compared to a vine. We may think, for example, of Isaiah’s Song of the Vineyard (Isaiah 5:1-7 – Audio Bible Verses Spoken Word), in which God complains that, despite the care he has lavished upon it, his vineyard has only produced wild grapes [ … ]

Spiritual Armor Of Saint George | Life Of Faith And Courage | King James Audio Bible | Word Aloud | King James Version KJV | Christian Saints

Saint George was born in Cappadocia, present-day Turkey, to Christian parents in the late 3rd century. His father was a Roman army official, which influenced George’s decision to pursue a military career. Saint George rose to a high rank within the Roman army but faced a turning point when Emperor Diocletian issued edicts against Christians in 303 AD [ … ]

Parable Of The Two Sons | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | Daily Verses | Advent

The parable of the two sons is clearly, and explicitly, an attack by Jesus upon the chief priests and the elders of the Jewish people. In the parable, Jesus places before the Jewish authorities an astonishingly blunt analogy of their rejection of God the Father and of Jesus. There is no room for quibbling or intellectual sophistry here: one son does what his father wants; the other says he will and then doesn’t [ … ]

21st Century Jesus | Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Prayer For Guidance | King James Audio Bible KJV

Many Christians have embraced a more progressive understanding of Jesus, emphasizing his teachings on love, compassion, and service to others as a call to action in addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and racism. This approach to Christianity emphasizes a social gospel, which emphasizes the importance of working for social and economic justice and sees Jesus as a figure who championed the cause of the poor and marginalized [ … ]

Parables Of The Hidden Treasure, The Pearl, And The Net | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Love Revealed

The three parables follow one upon another, and they are addressed in Matthew’s Gospel to the disciples, rather than to the crowds. The parables of the hidden treasure and of the pearl clearly develop upon the same theme, and then the parable of the net follows and expands upon their meaning, magnifying it, while also relating to the disciples’ apostolic mission. We are taught through each parable of the supreme value of the gift of grace and of the Kingdom, and also of judgement, the rightful valuing of our gifts such that we live in accordance with God’s will [ … ]

Parable Of The Prodigal Son | Parables Of Jesus

The parable of the prodigal son is among the most famous of the parables which Jesus teaches us. Indeed the phrase ‘prodigal son’ is familiar to English speakers who might not tend to read the Bible very often if at all. In the parable of the prodigal son, the story Jesus tells is so homely and familiar to our lives, and to our most basic human and family instincts, that even without the deeper meanings as we interpret the parable, it would be powerfully moving to hear as a tale of estrangement and difficulty followed by forgiveness and reconciliation through love [ … ]

Parable Of The Good Shepherd | Daily Bible Verses Easter Season To Pentecost | Parables Of Jesus

Christ offers himself to the people as the good shepherd, recalling a favourite theme of Old Testament prophecy. Priests and kings are so described, and indeed God is spoken of as a shepherd, as we hear, for example, in Psalm 23:

THE Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters [ … ]

Parable Of The Pharisee And The Tax Collector | Parables Of Jesus

This is among the most perfect of the parables to listen to during Lent – indeed, it has resonances that must extent to each and every time we receive the Eucharist. We are simply not worthy. And God’s mercy extends to us nonetheless. The prayer of the Pharisee is false. It is not true prayer. We see him, standing there in the presence of God and congratulating himself, as if he does not need God for his redemption, as if he can redeem himself [ … ]
