John the Baptist was a Jewish preacher and religious leader who is revered as a prophet in Christianity and Islam. He was a contemporary of Jesus and is mentioned in the New Testament as having been a forerunner of Jesus, preparing the way for his ministry. According to the New Testament, John the Baptist was the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, both of whom were descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. He was known for his ascetic lifestyle, his practice of baptizing people as a sign of repentance, and his proclamation that Jesus was the Messiah. John the Baptist was eventually arrested and imprisoned by Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee, and was later beheaded at the request of Herod’s daughter, Salome [ … ]
Jesus | Christian Prayer | Reflections On The Gospels
What Is Baptism? | How Does Baptism Relate To Christian Faith? | Jesus Was Baptized | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word [ … ]
Heaven And Hell | Satan And Free Will | God Is Love | Jesus
While Heaven is depicted as a place of eternal life, joy, and fellowship with God, Hell is described as a place of eternal separation from God, where people will experience great suffering and torment. Do we choose Hell as a rejection of love? [ … ]
The Gift Of Scripture Considered In Relation To Dei Verbum | Essays From Seminary | Cf. The Gospel According To Tomàs
While God ‘can be known with certainty from created reality by the light of human reason'[1], He additionally chooses, ‘out of the abundance of His love’ (DV2), to reveal Himself to humanity. From the start God revealed himself to Adam and Eve, ‘[p]lanning to make known the way of heavenly salvation’ (DV3). After the fall, God has continued to reveal himself in history. He called Abraham, then taught the people of Israel through the patriarchs and through Moses and the prophets, that He is the one true God and to await the Saviour. Divine revelation was progressive through time, the Old Testament presenting ‘incomplete and temporary’ (DV15) understandings of God. The Old Testament prepares the way [ … ]
Sin | Understanding God’s Plan Of Sin And Forgiveness | What Is Sin? | Prayer And Jesus | Healing | Deadly Sin | Confession | Purity
Sin is an action or thought that goes against the will of God. It is believed that all people are born with a predisposition to sin, and that everyone is capable of committing sin. Sin is often seen as a barrier between people and God, and it is thought to be the cause of many of the problems and difficulties that people experience in their lives. Some common examples of sin in Christianity include things like lying, stealing, murder, and adultery. Ultimately, sin is seen as a form of rebellion against God, and it is thought to be something that can only be forgiven through mercy [ … ]
Ten Commandments | The Eighth Commandment: ‘Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness’
The eighth commandment is a call to authenticity and integrity in all aspects of life. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:25: ‘Therefore, putting away falsehood, let everyone speak the truth with his neighbour, for we are members one of another.’ The commandment instructs us to speak truthfully and authentically in our interactions with others, rather than living a ‘double life’ where we present ourselves differently to different people [ … ]
Purgatory | Definition Meaning Hell And Purgatory | Bible
In the Catholic Church, Purgatory is believed to be a place or state of suffering that is temporary and where the souls of those who have died in a state of grace but are not yet fully purified are purified before they can enter heaven. It is believed to be a place of spiritual and moral purification, where the soul is cleansed of any remaining attachments to sin [ … ]
Word Aloud | King James Version New Testament (KJV) | King James Audio Bible KJV Download
The creation of the King James Bible was an extraordinary event in literary and religious history. This was a political act of nation-building and it was a great spiritual gift, of ‘one more exact translation of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue’, this new translation stamped with royal approval [ … ]
When Was Jesus Born? | The Nativity Of Christ | When Were The Gospels Written? | Why The Birth Of Christ The Winter Solstice?
Saint Luke states that Jesus was born in Nazareth and that his parents had to travel to Bethlehem for a census, which was conducted when Quirinius was Governor of Syria. The reference to Quirinius as Governor of Syria is significant because historical records indicate that he held this position twice, first from AD 6-9 and again from AD 11-12 This means that Jesus’ birth would fall around these dates, and at least a decade after the date suggested by Matthew. [ … ]
The Ten Commandments | The Sixth Commandment: ‘You Shall Not Commit Adultery’
The Church teaches that marriage is a sacrament, which means that it is an outward sign of an inward grace. In marriage, a man and a woman are united in a way that reflects the union between Christ and the Church [ … ]
The Temple | Jerusalem | Judaism | Jesus | First / Second Temple Judaism | Solomon | Herod | Destruction | Jesus | God
Second Temple Judaism refers to the religious and cultural practices of the Jewish people during the Second Temple period, which lasted from the construction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 516 BCE until its destruction by the Romans in 70 CE. During this time, Judaism was marked by the development of various religious movements and the emergence of important religious figures such as the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes [ … ]
The Ten Commandments | The Seventh Commandment: ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’
As Christians, the Seventh Commandment calls us to not steal and to respect the rights of others, including their right to property. This commandment also requires us to be responsible and respectful in our use of the resources of the earth [ … ]
Pharisees | Scribes And Pharisees – Hypocrites | Jesus And The Jewish Temple Authorities | Gospels
The scribes and Pharisees were two groups of religious leaders in ancient Judea, during the time of Jesus. The scribes were scholars who were responsible for copying and interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures (also known as the Old Testament). They were experts in the law and were often consulted on matters of religious practice and doctrine [ … ]
What Is The Christian Millennium? | What Is Millennial Thinking In Christianity? | What Do Christians Believe About The Second Coming?
In Christian tradition, the Millennium refers to a thousand-year period of peace and prosperity that is believed to follow the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This belief is based on a passage from the book of Revelation in the New Testament: ‘And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years’ (Revelation 20:4) [ … ]
Jesus Christ The Jubilee | The Acceptable Year Of The Lord | Truth In Jesus | Audio KJV Bible | God Come Home
In the Old Testament, the jubilee year was a time of celebration and redemption that was prescribed by God in the book of Leviticus. It was to be observed every 50 years and was intended to promote social and economic justice in the community… The acceptable year of the Lord [ … ]
The Ten Commandments | The Fourth Commandment: ‘Honour Your Father And Mother’
The fourth commandment, ‘Honour your father and mother,’ instructs Christians to show respect, love, and obedience to their parents. This commandment is important because it reflects the natural order of the family and promotes harmony within the family unit. It is a way for Christians to fulfil their responsibilities and duties as children, and to show gratitude for the love and care that their parents have provided for them [ … ]
What Is Christianity? What Do Christians Believe? | Nicene Creed | Credo | What Is Christian Faith In Jesus?
Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and the savior of humanity, and that through his death and resurrection, he made it possible for people to be reconciled to God and to have eternal life. Christianity is centered on the belief in one God, who is the creator of the universe and the source of all life. Christians believe that God is loving and merciful, and that he desires a personal relationship with every person. We also believe that God has revealed himself through the Bible, which is the holy scripture of Christianity, and through his son, Jesus [ … ]
What Is Sainthood And Who Are The Saints? | How Do Saints Help Us? | Christian Prayer And Holiness
Saints are individuals who are recognized by the Christian Church as having lived exemplary lives and being in heaven, in the presence of God. They are considered to be models of Christian virtue and holiness and are often invoked for their intercession in the lives of the living [ … ]
Faith Healing | Spiritual Healing | Miracles Of Prayer
Faith healing, also known as spiritual healing, is the belief that illness can be cured through prayer, divine intervention, or the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a practice that has been present in Christianity since its inception and has been the subject of much debate and discussion within the Christian community [ … ]
Ten Commandments | Tenth Commandment | You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbour’s Goods
Envy and the evil of material possession are closely related because envy is often directed at the material possessions of others. When we see someone else with something that we desire, such as a nice car, a big house, or a fancy watch, we can feel envy and a sense of dissatisfaction with what we have [ … ]
Ten Commandments | The Ninth Commandment: ‘Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour’s Wife’
‘Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife’ is a commandment against adultery. It has a broader application to encompass any form of envy or coveting of a person’s spouse or sexual partner. It is an instruction for Christians in terms of their intimate relationships and sexual space [ … ]
Virgin Birth | Parthenogenesis | Conception | Jesus | Mary | Joseph
The story of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, as recorded in the New Testament’s Gospel of Luke, is a central event in Christian belief and is an important part of the Christmas holiday. According to this account, Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary, who was betrothed to a man named Joseph. Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth, but they were required to travel to Bethlehem for a census. While in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable, because there was no room for them in the inn [ … ]
Miracle Of Love | Jesus In The Eucharist A Miracle | Miracles Of Healing | Old Testament Miracles | Signs | God | Audio KJV
In the Bible, a miracle is an event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. Miracles are often seen as [ … ]
What Were The Different Sources Of The Torah – The Pentateuch? | How Was The Torah/Pentateuch Written?
The Torah, also known as the Pentateuch, is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. It is a central text in Judaism and is also revered by many Christians. The Torah is thought to be a composite text, made up of multiple sources that were written by different groups of people over a period of time and were later compiled and edited into their final form. The process of compiling and editing these sources is known as the documentary hypothesis [ … ]
Why Is Christmas Celebrated 25th December? | Jesus’ Birth | Nativity | Pre-Christian Winter Solstice | Death / Rebirth
As Christians, we celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day, observed on December 25th each year. While the date of Jesus’ birth is not known, and is not in the Bible, the celebration of Christmas Day on December 25th has been a tradition since at least the 4th century. It is thought that the early Christian church may have chosen this date in order to co-opt the celebrations of the winter solstice and other pre-Christian holidays that were observed around this time of year [ … ]
Miserere Mei | Psalm 51/50 | KJV King James Bible Psalms | Have Mercy Upon Me | Audio Bible
Traditionally ascribed to King David, upon the discovery of his adultery, this psalm represents and enacts a perfect act of contrition, from the awareness and acknowledgement of sin, through acknowledgement of God, to celebration and renewal in faith with God [ … ]
Confession | The Sacrament Of Reconciliation | We Confess Our Sins To God | Forgiveness Of Sin | Jesus | Faith Healing
Christian confession is an act of admitting one’s sins and seeking forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ. It is a practice that is central to the Christian faith and is rooted in the belief that sin has separated humanity from God and that confession is necessary for the restoration of that relationship [ … ]
Saint John Chrysostom
Saint John Chrysostom was born into a wealthy family in Antioch, which was then one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in the Roman Empire. He received an excellent education in rhetoric and philosophy, which prepared him for a career in law or public speaking. However, he was drawn to Christianity and eventually decided to become a monk [ … ]
Christian Prayer | Jesus In The Bible Teaches How To Pray | Healing Prayer | Miracles | How Do I Pray? | Teach Me To Pray
Prayer is a form of communication between a person and a higher power. It can take many forms, from a casual conversation to a formal ritual, and can involve petition, thanksgiving, and confession. Prayer can be silent or spoken, individual or communal, and may be directed to God, a saint, an angel, or any other object of worship. Through prayer, an individual expresses their innermost thoughts and feelings to the divine, seeking comfort, guidance, and strength. Prayer can be used to foster a connection to the spiritual realm, bring a sense of peace, and help one cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning in life [ … ]
The Ten Commandments | The Third Commandment: ‘Keep Holy The Lord’s Day’
The third commandment of the Ten Commandments, ‘Keep holy the Lord’s day,’ is a call to set aside time on a regular basis to rest from one’s daily work and to focus on the worship and service of God. This commandment is often understood to refer to the Christian Sabbath, which is traditionally observed on Sunday, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ [ … ]
The Ten Commandments | The Second Commandment: ‘You Shall Not Take The Name Of The Lord Your God In Vain’ | King James Audio Bible | KJV
The second of the Ten Commandments, ‘You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain,’ is a call to reverence and respect for the divine name and for the faith it represents. The second commandment prohibits the abuse of God’s name, i.e., every improper use of the names of God, Jesus Christ, but also of the Virgin Mary and all the saints [ … ]
The Birth Of Jesus | Jesus Is God | Jesus Is Love | Prayer To Jesus
Our Advent prayers recall Jesus and Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, the story of the Nativity as handed down to us especially through the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. It is such a wonderful, intimate story, of Mary and Joseph, two people whose lives would have been otherwise utterly obscure, lived out in a remote province of the Roman Empire, far from the centre of things, to whom something extraordinary is happening [ … ]
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy was grounded in Aristotelianism, but he was also heavily influenced by the works of Augustine. He sought to reconcile the insights of reason with the truths of revelation, arguing that faith and reason are complementary rather than contradictory [ … ]