
Through The Year | The Gospels | Bible Verse Of The Day

Daily Bible Verses | Temple Tax | Jesus’ Second Announcement Of His Passion | The Coin In The Fish’s Mouth | A Teaching Miracle | Christian Freedom, Jewish Law | King James Audio Bible KJV

In Matthew’s Gospel, this is Jesus’ second announcement of his Passion. This time, the reaction of the disciples has mellowed. It is less extreme, while they remain very sorry. The disciples begin to recognize the cross as a necessary step on Jesus’ journey. We may think of our own tears mingled with joy as we contemplate Christ’s sacrifice, for example as we give ourselves in prayer, in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We may also note that the sorrow of the disciples follows upon Jesus’ saying that he will be raised again. Our sorrow as we contemplate Jesus’ death includes the resurrection. We may weep for the necessity and the absolute love and self-giving of Jesus’ sacrifice [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Faith To Move Mountains | Jesus Heals The Epileptic Boy | Faith Healing | Exorcising Devils | King James Audio Bible KJV | Belief In God | Pray With Jesus

Jesus’ disciples travel a long journey as they develop and grow in faith in Jesus. Their progress is halting rather than steady. The disciples make mistakes. It will not be until the events following Jesus’ death and resurrection that the disciples will gifted, especially with the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, in order to found the Church. We may find we identify with the disciples as we think of any challenges we face in our own faith [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Renunciation | Take Up Your Cross, Follow Jesus | Faith’s Reward In Heaven | Christian Love | King James Audio KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus

Jesus invites us to a life of giving. Jesus declares for the Christian an end to egotism, that hoarding of self as of property which can so restrict our lives, distancing us from God and from our fellow human beings, ultimately from perfect happiness. Our happiness is to be found in the service of God, which is also the service of others. As we give our lives away in this sense, as we deny ourselves, so we grow in community as a Christian people [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Peter’s Profession Of Faith | Jesus Founds The Church Upon The Rock – Petra | Get Thee Behind Me, Satan | Audio KJV | Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven | Christian Faith In God

You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church. This is taken to be the expression by Jesus of Peter’s primacy among the Apostles. Jesus tells Peter that he is to hold the keys of heaven, and so the gift and the power to grant admittance to heaven. Peter is to be the foundation of Christ’s Church [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Canaanite Woman Begs Jesus To Heal Her Daughter | Jesus As Exorcist | Faith Healing With Jesus | Miracles In Christ | King James Audio Bible KJV | Christian Love

Jesus has withdrawn from Galilee, and from the jurisdiction of Herod Antipas, to Tyre and Sidon, Phoenician cities on the Mediterranean coast, in what is now Lebanon, there to escape persecution from Herod and the Jewish authorities, and to concentrate on training his apostles [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Walks On Water To His Disciples | Signs And Miracles Of Jesus | Meaning Of The Gospels | The Church | Saint Peter’s Doubt And Faith | King James Audio Bible KJV

Jesus has fed the multitude, the multiplication of loaves and fish prefiguring the Eucharist, through which all share, in community, the body and blood of Christ, becoming one. Now Jesus sends his disciples ahead of him, to cross the Sea of Galilee to the pagan regions on the other side, where the evangelizing mission will continue. There is symbolism here, as the early Christians are called upon by Matthew’s Gospel to make transition from the old observances to the new Law of Jesus’ love. Jesus meanwhile takes time alone to pray [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus’ First Miracle Of The Loaves And Fish | Audio Verses | Christian Faith | Community | Faith And Trust In Jesus | God The Son | King James Audio Bible KJV

The people have gathered to be with Jesus, following Jesus on foot, out of the cities, to be near Jesus and to be healed, in a desert place. It may seem strange to us that the disciples wanted to send the people away! The disciples’ thought is that the people must go and buy themselves food to eat. Jesus knows differently. Jesus tells the disciples themselves to give the people the food they need to eat [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Martyrdom Of John The Baptist | Witness Jesus | Christian Faith | Herod’s Lust And Evil | Herodias | Christian Saints | King James Audio Bible

Today’s Gospel verses provide great insight into the political constitution of Jesus’ homeland during the lifetime of Jesus. Herod the tetrarch, Herod Antipas, is in charge, a client of the Roman Empire and son of Herod the Great. He governed Galilee and Perea. He was married, according to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, to a daughter of an Arabian king, but lived in concubinage with Herodias, his brother’s wife [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | A Prophet In His Own Country | Jesus In Nazareth | Teaching In The Synagogue | Jesus’ Family | Joseph The Carpenter | Christian Communities | King James Audio Bible KJV

When Jesus returns to Nazareth, to his own country, he attends synagogue on the Saturday and teaches there, not as a leader of the synagogue but as a participant in the faith community. Nonetheless, Jesus’ teaching is different from other people’s. Jesus, we have been told, teaches with authority, and not as the scribes (Matthew 7: 29). Jesus does not merely interpret Scripture, according to scholarly tradition; rather, Jesus reworks Scripture, providing for the people a new Torah, which centres upon himself and which we may understand as Jesus himself. In this way, Jesus’ authority matches and exceeds that of Moses. Jesus is a new Moses, and then infinitely more [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Faith | Parables Of The Grain Of Mustard Seed And The Leaven | Thy Kingdom Come | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus

Just as Jesus teaches in these parables of that which is small becoming great, through the process of being hidden, in the earth or in the as yet unleavened dough, so Jesus teaches us, as the Gospel Evangelist teaches us, that the parables themselves reveal that which has been hidden, drawing the listener from a particular instance, readily recognizable from everyday life, to an understanding of matters of deep spiritual and cosmic significance [ … ]

Parables Of Jesus | Christians And The Devil | Parable Of The Weeds | King James Audio Bible KJV | Faith In God

The householder has sown good seed in his field. It is the enemy who has come to corrupt the crop, sowing weeds among the wheat. The weed, cockle, would look very like wheat and could easily be mistaken for wheat until the ears appeared. If ground with the wheat, the flour would be contaminated and the bread nauseas to eat. In the East, personal vengeance might take the form of sowing cockle among an enemy’s wheat [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Explains The Parable Of The Sower | How To Read The Bible | True Faith | King James Audio KJV

Jesus contrasts those who are ready in their hearts to receive the Word of God with those for whom the Word remains obscured. A body of disciples, followers and believers, has begun to form around Jesus. These are they who have understanding, not particularly in an intellectual fashion, but rather because they are lovingly receptive, whereas lack of love opens the door of the soul to the devil. Jesus’ disciples are disposed to conversion, to permit God’s grace to transform their lives. We understand in these verses a contrast between Christian faith and lack of faith [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Prayer And Faith | How To Read The Bible | Teaching The Gospels In Parables

Jesus’ disciples have opened their hearts to Jesus. They have responded to Jesus by being receptive to the Christian truth he brings, and therefore they may be given to understand the parables. The disciples’ understanding of the presence of the Kingdom in their lives, of which the parables speak, follows upon their faith in Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus’ Christian Mysteries | Prayer And Hearing Of The Gospels | Parable Of The Sower | God The Son

With Chapter 13 of Matthew’s Gospel begins the Discourse of the Parables, which concerns the Christian mystery of the Kingdom Of God present in life now. The parables draw us to Jesus, whose divinity is the central fact of the parables. Christ is the veiled truth of each parable. As we uncover the meaning of each of the parables we discover Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Faith And Family | Gospel Prayer In Christ | Jesus’ Disciples Are His Family

We learn in Mark’s Gospel that Jesus’ friends are concerned about Jesus, thinking that he is beside himself, and intending to restrain him (Mark 3: 21). Shortly afterwards, in Mark’s Gospel, Mary and others of Jesus’ family make the journey recounted in today’s Gospel verses to try to see Jesus [ … ]

Daily Audio Bible Verses | Christian Faith | Truth Faith In Jesus | An Evil And Adulterous Generation Seeketh After A Sign | Jesus God

Jesus has performed many healing miracles in his homeland, the area in the region of the Sea of Galilee – also known as the Lake of Tiberius and the Lake of Gennesaret. These miracles, or signs, have communicated something of the truth of Jesus to the people, who have responded to Jesus’ miracles and to his teaching. It is through the Sermon on the Mount and other teachings as much as through the healing miracles that people have responded to Jesus, recognizing in Jesus the answer to questions they have long asked, and prayers they have prayed for generations [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Gospel Truth | Christian Faith And Healing | The Pharisees Plot Against Jesus | Servant Of God

Jesus has challenged the malice of the Pharisees by curing the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath. In response to the pure goodness of Jesus, the Pharisees take council together and decide to kill Jesus. Their response to absolute good is evil, even as Jesus gives the Pharisees every reason to see the ways in which they have fallen into error. The refusal of the Pharisees to respond to Jesus’ call to reform compounds their evil. They have locked their hearts [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Law Of The Sabbath | Jesus Is Jewish | Prayer | Jesus’ Disciples Pluck Corn | Christian Truth | Salvation

Jesus’ Ministry has entered into a time of conflict, during which people begin to react against Jesus’ teachings, despite the many and beautiful miracles he has performed. In today’s Bible verses, the Pharisees accuse Jesus and his disciples of breaking the Sabbath. Jesus defends himself, justifying his actions, and in doing so suggests both his own divinity and a greater dignity for all people than that which the Pharisees can admit [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | True Faith | We Are Not Alone | Jesus Thanks His Father | God The Son Consubstantial | Christian Prayer

It is in Chapter 11 of Matthew’s Gospel that Jesus’ mission has encountered serious difficulties. Through Chapters 11 and 12 there are challenges, which confirm what Jesus has told the disciples in the Discourse of the Mission, concerning his bringing not peace but a sword, of Jesus’ Mission being a sign of Christian contradiction. There is real enmity in the region of Galilee, the scribes and the Pharisees especially rejecting the truth of Jesus, while even John the Baptist fails to understand [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Reproaches Cities For Their Unbelief | Christian Evangelization | Repentance | Judgement

In the Discourse of the Mission, in Chapter 10 of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus has instructed his disciples about evangelization. Now, in Chapter 11, we are told more of Jesus’ Mission in the region of Galilee – also known as the Lake of Gennesaret and as Lake Tiberius. The area in which Jesus preaches and performs his healing miracles is relatively small, and it is an obscure part of the Empire. In some ways, though, it is a microcosm of the world beyond and the world of later history to come, as we learn of those who will accept and those who will reject Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Discourse Of The Mission | I Came Not To Send Peace, But A Sword | King James Audio Bible

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus’ message may strike us as difficult to understand. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus’ message is one of peace and Christian brotherhood, of reconciliation with our fellow human beings and with God, whom we are asked to call Father. Today Jesus speaks of variance and contradiction. Jesus tells us that he has not come to bring peace, but a sword [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Mission | Jesus Instructs His Disciples | Faith And Christian Prayer | King James Audio Bible

No matter how great the world’s lies may be, we are assured by Jesus, truth will triumph. For this reason, these verses of the Gospel of Matthew teach us, we need not be afraid, though the going can get very rough indeed, and our Christian faith will be tested, our love always coerced to turn into the opposite of love, and so we need always the more love to counter this threat [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Speak The Name Of Jesus | The Mission | Jesus Reassures The Apostles | Challenges To Come

‘I speak the name of Jesus.’ As the Discourse of the Mission continues, Jesus prepares his disciples to face danger. They are to be as sheep. In this way again they are to imitate Jesus – to act in persona of Jesus – as they preach and heal, as they prefigure the saving sacrifice upon the cross. There is to be contention, contradiction [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Discourse Of The Mission | Jesus Instructs His Disciples | Power Of Exorcism | Trust In God

The Discourse of the Mission continues as Jesus mandates his disciples to preach the good news that the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. This is a wonderful, new message. For other Jews, the Kingdom to come remained far in the future. It would come after they had done their own part. The Pharisees believed that the Kingdom would come once the Law were perfectly observed, the Essenes when the country would have purified itself. For Jesus, the time is already fulfilled. Independently of any good works the people could do, the Kingdom of God is here already, as a completely gratuitous gift of God. What is now required is to teach the people to perceive this fact. This will mean to look at the world in a new way [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Discourse Of The Mission | Power Of Exorcism | Our Neighbours | The Apostles Are Sent

Jesus’ great Discourse of the Mission begins in these Gospel verses with the calling together of the twelve disciples and the summative naming of the twelve. These twelve apostles are mandated; they are sent to establish the first foundations of Christ’s Church, and they are empowered by Jesus to exorcise unclean spirits and to heal the sick, to perform the very miracles of Jesus as a sign that the Kingdom of God has come. Through exorcism, the apostles are called to an imitation of Christ, and so in this way to establish the Christian community [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | An Exorcism | The Dumb Devil Cast Out | Jesus As Exorcist And Healer | Sheep Without A Shepherd

Matthew’s account of Jesus’ healing of the dumb man through exorcism, by casting out the demon possessing him, is brief, and in Matthew’s Gospel Jesus does not respond to the Pharisees’ malicious accusation, as if to say, their evil is evident and does not merit response. Rather, Jesus pours immense effort into his Galilean ministry, teaching and healing, and bringing the people to God [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Faith Heals | Jesus’ Miracles | The Raising Of Jairus’ Daughter And Curing Of The Woman With The Haemorrhage | Prayer Healing

The two miracles, which occur almost simultaneously in these Gospel verses, shed light upon one another, as Jesus brings two people back to their communities, the woman with the issue of blood, a haemorrhage, because this would render her impure and so outcast, and the girl from death. Two aspects of the Law regarding purity are juxtaposed, and with them sin and death [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | A Prophet Is Not Without Honour, But In His Own Country | Jesus Of Nazareth | Jesus’ Family

It is all too common in our time to see a beautiful gift or initiative rejected by those who are set against anything new and good. Imagine a child standing up in the midst of a small community filled with hatred, whatever form that hatred might take, and that child saying that there is an alternative to hatred, called love. That child could possibly be killed for so doing [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Calls Matthew, A Publican, A Sinner, A Tax Collector | Sinners Called To Repentance

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus preached a message of love and acceptance. He called everyone to a new way of being, which would be true to God’s will. As the narrative account continues from chapter eight through nine, we see Jesus putting into practice the lessons he has taught. Jesus accepts lepers, foreigners, women, the sick, the possessed, paralytics, the unclean, and now a tax collector [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals A Paralyzed Man | Prayer And Blasphemy | Lead The Sinner To God | Miracle Healing

For the Jewish people, the sickness of the paralyzed man was a symptom of underlying sin. It was a punishment, a consequence of one’s own moral evil or of one’s parents. We can imagine the social consequences for the paralyzed man, in the light of the various exclusions which were applied to disabled people [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Demoniacs In The Country Of The Gergesenes | Jesus’ Power Over Satan | Miracle Prayer Healing

Jesus has crossed the Sea of Galilee, entering into Gentile territory. The King James Version speaks of the country of the Gergesenes, however ‘Gaderenes’ or ‘Gerasenes’ are more usually spoken of in other ancient sources. The two main towns in the area were Gerasa and Gadara. The events reported in these Gospel verses could have happened close to both of the towns [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Trust In God | Verse on Faith | Scriptures On Trusting God | Follow Me And Let The Dead Bury Their Dead

The crowds press in around Jesus. Perhaps there is a sense of enough having been done for now in this place, in terms of teaching and the healing miracles of Jesus. Perhaps there is a sense of too much ferment, and a need to leave these thousands upon thousands of people in quiet to reflect upon what they have experienced of Jesus so far. It is time to move, and now there does arise a question of who will follow Jesus and who will stay behind. This may be a figurative moment, in that sometimes there are people who follow Jesus in a great rush of feeling and momentarily; others are concerned to follow Jesus permanently, all their lives [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals A Leper | Define Faith | Be Thou Clean | Miracle Prayer Healing | God Is Love

We are reminded once more in this Gospel reading of the huge numbers of people who flock to Jesus. Jesus’ fame and popularity are extraordinary, while his mission proceeds at what we might think an incredibly fast pace. There is such need on the part of the people for salvation, no matter the extent of their consciousness as to how Jesus asks to save us all [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Prayer | Beatitudes | The Sermon On The Mount | Beware Of False Prophets | Sin And Christian Faith

There is a beautiful lesson in love, which is to test ourselves when we are offering gifts of love to our beloved/s, and this is by imagining that we actually don’t know the person or people to whom we are giving. This way, we can make sure that what we are doing is giving, rather than making an investment and expecting something in return [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Sermon on the Mount | Jesus Was Jewish | Give Not That Which Is Holy Unto The Dogs, Neither Cast Ye Your Pearls Before Swine | Faith

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine. This is difficult text. The dogs, the pigs – these would be terms to describe the non-Jewish, yet in acknowledging this we are aware of Jesus’ ministering to everybody, gathering crowds of disparate people, and enjoining them to coexist peacefully, while he walked in the land of the Gentiles [ … ]
