Like and share this collection of videos on YouTube. Each video features a young King David in the Temple, proclaiming the Gospel. Each is a striking reminder of deep connection between Jewish history, King David, and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The boy king is clothed as an initiate, recalling the Gospel account of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane [ … ]
Feature | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
King David And The Coming Of Christ | A Gospel Moment | A Boy King David Declares The Gospel | Parables And Miracles Of Jesus
Like and share this new collection of videos on YouTube. Each video features a young King David in the Temple, proclaiming a passage from Saint Matthew’s Gospel. Each is a striking reminder of deep connection between Jewish history, King David, and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ [ … ]
A Young King David In The Temple | Proclaim The Gospel | Jesus Saves | Favourite Gospel Verses | Christian Faith
Like and share a collection put up on YouTube. In each, a young King David in the Temple offers a Gospel passage – proclaims the Gospel. This thought is intended to imply deep connection between King David, and the heart of Jewish faith, and Jewish history, and the coming of the Lord in Jesus Christ [ … ]
Who Were The Different Kings Herod? | Bible Stories Disentangled
King James Audio Bible | KJV | King James Version King Herod There were several individuals named Herod who played significant roles in ancient history, particularly in the history of [ … ]
Healing Prayer | Jesus God And Man | Jesus’ Prayer | Our Gethsemane | Spiritual Healing | God The Father, God The Son
As Jesus offers prayer to God the Father we may find ourselves trying to fathom just what it might mean for Jesus to have been God incarnate, God the Son humbling himself to be born human [ … ]
Parables Of The Mustard Seed And Of The Leaven | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
The two parables make it clear that Christ intended the newly inaugurated phase of the history of our salvation to be the work of ages. His second coming was not to be an apocalyptic end of the world as we know it in weeks, months or just a few years after that first Easter. The world’s faith would grow with time. Christ’s Church would grow, to encompass the whole world. Christ intended the Gospel be preached to everyone the world over and through all subsequent history [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses | The Lord’s Prayer | Our Father | Teach Us To Pray | Saint Teresa Of Avila
We are given different accounts of Jesus teaching his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father, in today’s verses from the Gospel of Luke, and also in the Gospel of Matthew, during the Sermon on the Mount. Here the situation is quite different from that of Matthew. Jesus has been praying, seemingly apart, to his Father, and so it is after this that the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. This is unusual: prayer, especially of the psalms, would have been an integral part of these Jewish people’s daily routine. We are alerted to the Lord’s Prayer being an additional offering, an innovation of grace, and a further initiation for the Christian. The prayer furthermore reflects John the Baptist’s teaching of his disciples [ … ]
Relaxing Prayer And Meditation | Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount | Christianity Explored | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Beatitudes
Christian Art | Jesus | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Sermon On The Mount | Beatitudes Beatitudes | Matthew’s Gospel | Sermon On The Mount | Matthew 5-7 | [ … ]
Prayer And Meditation | Passion And Death Of Jesus | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Audio Bible
In the face of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus openly and honestly acknowledges himself to those who are come to arrest him. ‘I am he.’ Jesus does this three times, even while those who have come to arrest him shrink back from such simplicity of giving. The courage of Jesus at this point is absolutely remarkable. Jesus has reconciled himself through prayer to his Father. His self-composure at this point as he goes to save us is a shining example to us all [ … visit YouTube – like and share and ring that bell 🙂 … ]
Prayer With Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane | Agony Of Jesus’ Prayer And The Angel’s Comfort | Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Simple Prayer
In the Garden of Gethsemane, the presence of the angel becomes a symbol of divine comfort and support during Jesus’ moment of utmost agony. As Jesus withdrew a stone’s cast away from his disciples and fell on the ground to pray, sweating blood, the world’s sins and crucifixion-horror pressed heavily upon him [ … ]
Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Reflections On The Love Revealed Of Jesus | God Is Love | Audio Bible | KJV | King James Version
Love is the most fundamental and universal human experience. God is love. God created us through Love. Yet love can be elusive and mysterious. It is a word that encompasses a wide range of meanings, from romantic passion to familial affection, from altruistic service to spiritual devotion. In its essence, love is an expression of our deepest longings for connection, belonging, and fulfilment [ … ]
Prayer for Those Who Do Not Yet Know Jesus | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | The Gospels | Audio Bible KJV
In this verse, Jesus speaks about being the light of the world. Jesus offers hope and guidance to all who believe in Jesus. This passage invites us to reflect on the mission of bringing the light of Jesus to those who are still in darkness, those who have not yet come to know Jesus personally [ … ]
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Jesus Heals An Official’s Son | Faith Healing | Jesus’ Miracles | Audio KJV | God’s Mercy
The official who approaches Jesus would have been a man of high rank, living in Capernaum, which was a town with a customs post. He comes to Jesus with faith, and yet his faith is, to begin with, imperfect. The official thinks that Jesus must come to his house, a journey of twenty miles, to heal his son. Jesus tells him that, through the faith he has shown, his son is already healed [ … ]
Four Quartets | Burnt Norton | T.S. Eliot | Audio | Christian Poems | Word Aloud KJV
The poem begins with a meditation on time. Central to Burnt Norton is the imagery of a house and its gardens. This setting serves as a symbol of the transient nature of human experience. The garden, with its paths and hedges, represents choices and possibilities that lie before us, as well as those left behind. Eliot invites readers to walk through the garden, to reflect on moments missed and moments seized, and to understand the weight of decisions [ … ]
Life Of Jesus In The Gospels | How Can We Meet Jesus Through The Gospels? | Historical Jesus | Jesus Through Faith | Audio KJV | King James Audio Bible
Christian Art | Life Of Jesus In The Gospels | King James Audio Bible KJV The Gospel Of Saint John 14: 1-7 | King James Audio Bible YouTube: Connection With [ … ]
What Are The Ten Commandments In The Bible? | The Decalogue | How Did Jesus Speak Of The Commandments And Of Jewish Law?
The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, are a set of religious and moral imperatives believed to have been given by God to the Israelites and recorded in the Hebrew Bible. They are traditionally understood to provide a code of conduct for the faithful to follow, and are of great significance in Judaism and Christianity. According to the biblical account, God delivered the Ten Commandments to Moses on tablets of stone on Mount Sinai, which he then brought down from the mountain and presented to the Israelites [ … ]
Depths Of Psalm 51 (Vulgate 50) | Faith, Religion And The Bible | King James Audio Bible KJV | Miserere
Explore the rich history and meaning behind Psalm 51(/50), a central text in the Christian religion. Discover different interpretations and the role of faith, prayer, and Bible study in understanding this revered psalm [ … ]
Listen To The Bible! | Psalm 88 | King James Audio Bible KJV | Prayer For Help In Despondency | Prayer With Jesus And King David | True Faith In God | Pray The Psalms
Psalm 88 expresses despair and there is an absence of the redemptive turn found in many other psalms. Traditionally ascribed to Heman the Ezrahite, this psalm explores depths of human suffering and spiritual desolation, offering a raw and unfiltered cry from the soul [ … ]
Listen To The Bible! | Psalm 101 | King James Audio Bible KJV | A Sovereign’s Pledge Of Integrity And Justice | Prayer With Jesus And King David | True Faith In God | Pray The Psalms
Psalm 101 is a vow to live righteously. Often attributed to David, it pledges to uphold mercy, judgment, and unwavering integrity. This psalm centres on personal devotion and responsible leadership, echoing timeless principles for moral conduct and ethical governance [ … ]
Listen To The Bible! | Psalm 103 | King James Audio Bible KJV | Thanksgiving For God’s Goodness | Prayer With Jesus And King David | True Faith In God | Pray The Psalms
The psalm begins with a call to the soul: ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.’ It is a direct plea for a genuine, heartfelt response, extending beyond mere words to the very core of one’s being. The repetition of this call reinforces the psalmist’s determination not to forget the benefits received from the Lord [ … ]
Listen To The Bible! | Psalm 111 | King James Audio Bible KJV | Praise For God’s Wonderful Works | Prayer With Jesus And King David | True Faith In God | Pray The Psalms
Psalm 111 likely originates from the post-exilic era, a time of rebuilding and re-establishing Jewish religious and community life after the Babylonian Exile. This background is essential to understanding the psalm’s emphasis on communal worship and remembering God’s acts [ … ]
Listen To The Bible! | Psalm 112 | King James Audio Bible KJV | Blessing Of The Righteous | Prayer With Jesus And King David | True Faith In God | Pray The Psalms
Psalm 112 centralizes the concept of the righteous life. The psalm praises those who fear the Lord and delight in his commandments. This fear is not about being afraid, but about respecting and revering God, and finding joy in following his teachings. This respect for divine commandments sets the stage for a life guided by ethical and moral values [ … ]
Listen To The Bible! | Psalm 132 | King James Audio Bible KJV | Eternal Dwelling Of God In Zion | Prayer With Jesus And King David | True Faith In God | Pray The Psalms
Psalm 132, of the Songs of Ascents, is significant especially in Christian tradition. For Christians, this psalm not only recounts a devotional history of King David but also serves as a prophetic foretelling of Jesus Christ, seen as fulfilment of the Davidic covenant [ … ]
What Is Easter? | Easter And Passover | When Is Easter? | Redemption And Salvation In Jesus Christ | The Bible | Audio KJV | King James Audio Bible
Easter is the Christian holiday that celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified on a Cross, died, and was buried. However, on the third day after his death, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his followers. Jesus is the Lord and conquered death [ … ]
Prayer With Jesus | Beatitudes | Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit: For Theirs Is The Kingdom Of Heaven | Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Simple Prayer
Being ‘poor in spirit’ means understanding that we have nothing to offer God on our own. It’s like realizing we’re empty inside and need God to fill us with His love and guidance. When we’re humble and admit our weaknesses, God’s kingdom becomes available to us. It’s a kingdom where God’s love, peace, and goodness rule [ … ]
Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Journeys Of Saint Paul | Corinthians & Acts | Christian Faith
Oh my Jesus, as I meditate on the courage and faithfulness of Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, I am inspired to take risks for your sake. Give me the same boldness to proclaim your truth, even in the face of opposition. Help me to trust in your power and not my own, and to be willing to go wherever you lead me. Amen [ … ]
Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ In The Garden Of Gethsemane
In this moment, Jesus’ prayer is a beautiful example of submission to God’s will. Despite his agony, Jesus chose to surrender his own desires and accept God’s plan for his life. Jesus knew that this was the only way to bring salvation to the world. This act of selflessness is a testament to Jesus’ deep love for humanity [ … ]
Mystery Of Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane | Reflections On The Heart Of Christian Faith | King James Audio Bible
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays and struggles desperately with the weight of his coming Crucifixion. He sweats blood – he is in agony. Jesus enters into his Passion fully cognizant of the horror of it [ … ]
Penitential Psalms | School Of Christian Prayer | God Teaches Sinners How To Pray | Trust, Love, Honesty, Contrition, Repentance
The Penitential Psalms offer a path to spiritual growth and redemption, and this is reflected in the redemption offered by Christ on the Cross. Through his death and resurrection, Christ offers the forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life to all who believe in him. The Penitential Psalms, through their focus on repentance and the mercy of God, can be seen as a powerful tool in the process of conversion and reparation that leads to redemption [ … ]