
Daily Bible Verses | The Gospel Of Saint Luke

Daily Bible Verses | Beatitudes And The Woes | Sermon On The Plain | Blessed Are Ye | Reward In Heaven | King James Audio Bible KJV | Prayer With Jesus

Up until this point, Luke has told us several times that Jesus taught the people, but he has not told us what Jesus was teaching. This is the first time that Luke in his Gospel shares with us the teachings of Jesus. Jesus gives four blessings, four Beatitudes, and four curses. We are drawn to the heart of Jesus’ teaching, and must sharply reflect on what we are taught here [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Miraculous Catch Of Fish And The Calling Of The First Disciples | Fishers Of Men | King James Audio Bible KJV

Luke’s Gospel places the calling of the first disciples after the fame of Jesus has already spread across the region. Simon Peter listens to Jesus’ words, then he experiences the miraculous catch of fish, and then he throws himself down before Jesus, acknowledging his sins and placing his life in Jesus’ hands. This is Simon Peter’s call. He gives away everything he has to follow Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Purification Of Mary And The Presentation Of Jesus In The Temple | Simeon’s Prophecy | Jesus Was Jewish | Up Family And Faith

The first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke are more than history, as we now understand the term. The narrative captures core truths of the events which took place upon the birth of Jesus. They serve as a mirror in which we discover the meaning of the birth of Jesus and recognize that Jesus came to fulfil the promise of the Old Testament. They reflect the longing of the human heart as we find out about Jesus. To the Christians of Luke’s time, the infancy narrative of Luke’s Gospel offered a lesson in how to persevere in adversity as the Old Law gave way to the New. The attitude of Mary is a model to us all, as we welcome Jesus into our own lives. We marvel just as Joseph and Mary marvelled. Mary’s obedience teaches the way [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Christian Faith | The Baptism Of The Lord | Sin And Prayer | Jesus Is Baptized

Today’s Bible reading celebrates two complementary affirmations of Jesus’ true identity, of Jesus’ divinity. The first is of John the Baptist, who came to prepare the way toward Jesus, teaching people an initial baptism of repentance, with water, such that they might be initially prepared to receive the Lord. The second is of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, the divine affirmation, that of heaven, the Father’s voice visiting Earth and the Spirit descending, as heaven bows to Earth, the Father to acknowledge His beloved Son as His Own [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Preaches In Nazareth | Jesus Fasts And Reveals Himself | Fulfilment Of Prophecy | Audio KJV Bible | God The Son | The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me

On the Sabbath, the day of rest and prayer, the Jews would gather in synagogues to recite the Shema and the eighteen blessings, which would be followed by readings from the Book of the Law, the Pentateuch, and from the Prophets. In today’s Gospel verses, Jesus has returned home to Nazareth, where, in the synagogue, he volunteers to read [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | The Benedictus | Canticle Of Zechariah

For the first Christian communities, almost all of them Jewish, the Benedictus would have been a song of joy, thanking God for His fulfilment of the promise of ages: God has visited his people and redeemed them. The faith of those early Christians is strong as they look back along the road they have travelled since Abraham, and forward to a time of peace, light, salvation [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | Birth And Circumcision Of John The Baptist | Neighbours In Jesus Christ | Jesus Was Jewish

John the Baptist is born into a small and close-knit community, in which all Elizabeth’s neighbours and family relations rejoice with her at the gift of new life the Lord has bestowed on her. This is clearly a good and healthy community environment, and this will be important to John’s formation, howbeit the people are, as small communities can often be, quite conservative in their ways, such that when Elizabeth tells them the child will be called John, she causes something of a fuss, because this is an unusual thing to do: ‘There is none of thy kindred called by this name,’ her friends complain to her [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | The Visitation | Christian Faith | Jesus Prayer And Happiness | Blessed Mary, Mother Of God

Mary has expressed complete obedience to the angel Gabriel and to the will of God, declaring herself the handmaid of the Lord. Now she shows her love and compassion for her cousin and friend as she travels with haste to visit Elizabeth, who, she has learnt from Gabriel, is miraculously pregnant, despite her age [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | Gabriel Visits Zechariah | The Birth Of John The Baptist Foretold

Elizabeth – Mary’s cousin – and Zechariah are of noble ancestry. They have spiritual nobility also, following in all of the commandments and ordinances of the old Law in such a way that they are righteous before God. Zechariah is a priest, moreover. He serves God in the Temple, at the centre of Jewish society and faith. His son John the Baptist will go out to the wilderness to preach, but his journey starts here [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Prayer And Vigilance | Watch For The Son Of Man | End Times | Kingdom Of God | Jesus Is Coming Soon

Most of the signs Christ describes to his listeners in the eschatological discourse had already been realized by the time Luke’s first audience would have heard his Gospel. There had been, and were, wars, persecutions, family conflict, and Jerusalem with the Temple had been destroyed. The Christians of Luke’s time listening to these Gospel verses, of today and since Tuesday, could then have been encouraged to know that they were very close to Christ’s full revelation, his apocalypse, and so have courage to bear persecutions and other great challenges of the early Church [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Lesson Of The Fig Tree | Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God | Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon

Just as Jesus’ listeners know how to interpret signs in nature, the trees beginning to bud and shoot new leaves as they come to life in spring, so Jesus tells them that, when they see and experience the upheavals described by Jesus in our Gospel verses of the past few days, they will know that the Kingdom of God is near [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Great Tribulation In Jerusalem | Son Of Man | Apocalypse | Kingdom Of God | Jesus Christ Is Near

The Christians living in Jerusalem wanted no part of the Jewish Rebellion and, remembering Jesus’ prophecy, fled Jerusalem as the Romans advanced. They avoided the slaughter, and for this there arose enmity between Christians and those Jews who adhered to the old Law. There was a parting of the ways. The Jews went to rebuild their religion, led by the Pharisees and along exclusive lines, never more to be centred on Temple worship. The Jewish Christian Church which had been in Jerusalem waned – the Temple had been of great importance to Jerusalem Christians also. Henceforth, the Church would become more and more of the Gentiles [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Persecutions Of Christians | Martyrs For Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane | King James Audio Bible | KJV

Jesus teaches us to be bold and to have faith and confidence in the light of persecutions. His listeners are told that, when they are accused, the Spirit will be with them, guiding their words such that they become a living testimony to Jesus. The Christians’ accusers will be unable to answer their words then – the force of their witness will be irresistible [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Eschatological Discourse | Destruction Of The Temple | Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God

In Luke’s account of the eschatological discourse, the apocalypse – from the Greek for revelation – is clearly envisaged as beginning in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. The natural world is portrayed as being in a state of turmoil, and this reinforces for the listener the impact of what will be – has been by the time of Luke’s writing – a political event.  The Jewish rebellion and the sacking of Jerusalem will be brutal and bloody [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Resurrection Of The Dead And The Sadducees

The Sadducees are explicitly held up for criticism in the Gospels less often than the Pharisees, even though they provided the elite which ran the Temple. This is partly because, with the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70, the Sadducees were wiped out as a force in Jewish religious life and politics. The Judaism which survived, to regroup and forge a new identity, was that of the Pharisees. Consequently, when there were rivalries between Jews and Christians, it was the Pharisees with whom Christians would find themselves in conflict, and this would colour the memory of earlier times [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Cleanses The Temple | Towards Advent | Jesus Christ Is Love | God Is Love

One thing that emerges here is how understanding of Christ’s meaning develops and matures with time and through recollection. The people have flocked to hear Jesus’ teaching, and in Jerusalem he has a very attentive audience – of ‘all’ the people. Jesus continues, however, to speak in a veiled way, his parables deliberately concealing a part of his meaning, relating to his own divinity, to his accomplishing the inauguration of the Kingdom of God, and the great self-sacrifice to expiate our sins he is called to make [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem | That Jesus Wept Meaning He Prayed For The Loss And The Futility | King James Audio Bible KJV

Jesus is so very sorry for a city and a people he loves that he must weep at the sight of Jerusalem. Here is the centre of Jewish faith, while the Jews are the people to whom he has directed most of his teaching, and they are the first chosen people of God [ … ]

Parable Of The Pounds (Talents) | Parables Of Jesus | Kingdom Of Heaven | Kingdom Of God

Jesus’ listeners continue to think that Jesus is journeying to Jerusalem there to inaugurate an earthly, political Kingdom of God, to expel the Roman power and restore an only ever briefly realized independent nation state in the Promised Land. Jesus speaks this parable, which is similar to the parable of the talents, in order to teach his disciples that they are not very soon to see an instant transformation in the world and that they have a lot of work to do. Their calling is not to be to lord it over others; it is to serve and do the utmost with the gifts they have received through walking with Jesus, to magnify the faith and preach the Gospel to the whole world [ … ]

Parable Of The Unjust Judge | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | Powerful Prayer With Jesus

Jesus teaches his listeners the parable of the unjust judge in order to affirm for them the efficacy of prayer. If even this unrighteous judge will grant the widow’s request, he tells us, how much more will God vindicate his elect, and speedily. We are called upon by Jesus to live a life of prayer – to express and to strengthen our faith through prayer and to channel our ever enriched faith into further prayer. This is the way to orient our lives to God [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Day Of Christ’s Coming | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Jesus continues to speak to his listeners about the apocalyptic coming of the Son of Man. Using a highly elevated, figurative language, laden with symbol and metaphor, Jesus describes the second coming, or Parousia, which marks the end of this period of history and the inauguration of the new age, the days of the Son of man; it is a scene of sudden, violent destruction and transformation, and a scene of judgement [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | The Coming Of The Kingdom of God | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

The Kingdom of God has come in the person of Jesus. This is Jesus’ message, and it is this that will lead to his being crucified. It is this toward which the language of apocalypse directs us: our old way of being fractures with the coming of Jesus; the new reality of which we are a part is as lightning flashing across the sky – across the whole sky, the whole of our world, from one side to the other. And still we are told there is to be no visible sign of the coming of the Kingdom. It is within us, in the midst of us, when we walk as disciples with Jesus [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Heals Ten Lepers | The Samaritan Gives God the Glory | King James Audio Bible KJV

Jesus has not confined his journey to Jerusalem to exclusively Jewish territories. He has wandered in Samaria, and indeed Galilee was what we might now call a multicultural environment, known as Galilee of the Gentiles. This would be greatly reassuring to those of Luke’s readership who were of Gentile rather than Jewish provenance. Christ’s physical journey to Jerusalem marks a journey from inward-looking and narrow sectarianism to a redemptive faith which is inclusive of all [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Faith As A Grain Of Mustard Seed | Forgiving Offences | King James Audio Bible KJV | Parables

To cause scandal is to drive other people away from the path of faith, to cause another person to sin, to withdraw from a life of grace, to cease to believe in redemption in Jesus Christ. This is a terrible sin, and we know that it does not stop there. The evil spreads, and soon it is common practice to denigrate Christianity. We think of the millions upon millions of little ones – and this in ‘Christian countries’ – who have never been introduced to Jesus, and of all the attendant troubles they experience because their spiritual lives have not been fostered. The signs of this spiritual neglect are endemic, while when many people speak against Christianity they do not even know what it is that they are objecting to; they have become in so little time so far removed from what could have been their inheritance, the living faith [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Faith And Riches | Jesus God And Mammon | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

At the time of Luke’s writing his Gospel, those Christian communities which had largely arisen among the poor were being joined by richer people. This caused some problems, which appear in the advice given in the Letter of James, in the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, and in Luke’s Gospel. Saint Paul describes how, when the Christian community comes together to share the Lord’s supper, the rich have brought their own food and have no intention of sharing it. This was at a time when the Eucharist proper was still celebrated as part of a larger meal, an arrangement which did not last many years. St Paul writes [ … ]

Parable Of The Unjust Steward | Parables Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Today’s parable may seem to us to be very strange. Fired for corruption, for being wasteful with the rich man’s property, the dishonest steward goes on to compound the error with outright criminality, marking down the debts of the rich man’s debtors in order to secure future favours. And Jesus praises him! [ … ]

Parables Of God’s Mercy | The Lost Sheep And The Lost Coin | King James Audio Bible KJV | Parables Of Jesus

The publicans (tax collectors) and other sinners are drawn to hear Jesus’ teaching. Perhaps they feel Jesus offers hope to them especially. While the scribes and Pharisees, despising sinners, find Jesus behaviour as he mixes with such people to be utterly objectionable, Jesus receives all humanity with love, understanding and, where there is faith and repentance, forgiveness. It is as if the people know that they are not condemned but can be accepted by Jesus. He offers them hope [ … ]

Parable Of The Invited Guests | What Do Jesus’ Parables Mean? | Audio KJV | Vocation | Kingdom Of Heaven | Prayer

The Jews of Christ’s time thought of the coming of the Messiah and the restoration of Israel in terms of a great banquet, where poverty would give way to plenty and conflict to fellowship. Jesus has told two parables, while he dines at the house of the leader of the Pharisees, one of the choice of places at a feast and one of inviting the sick and the poor. In the light of the parables, a guest at the meal is moved to express the hope of the coming of the Messiah [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | When You Feast, Invite The Poor | Neighbours In Christ | King James Audio Bible KJV | Jesus Prayer

A ruler of the Pharisees has invited Jesus to his house to share a meal, and here Jesus teaches those present concerning the way of blessedness. Jesus teaches us how to live so as to be as much like Jesus as we can be, and so to be included in the Kingdom of God. This, our heavenly reward, should be the only reward we look for [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | A Lesson in Humility In Jesus | Our Heavenly Banquet | Christian Faith | King James Audio Bible KJV

The way of life of Jesus presents a marked contrast with that of guests at the house at the ruler of the Pharisees. Jesus has made his home among the poor and dispossessed, he is the model of the ways of perfection he presents to us in the Beatitudes, while the scribes and the Pharisees very much value their worldly importance, automatically choosing the places of honour at the meal [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Cures A Dropsical Man On The Sabbath | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

One of the leading Pharisees has invited Jesus to his house to share a meal. There are several occasions in the Gospels when Jesus is invited by Pharisees to share a meal. Perhaps they are curious, as now we are told, ‘they watched him,’ perhaps through malice. We are not told how a man with dropsy could enter the house of a leader of the Pharisees. Here he is, though, waiting to be cured. Once more, the question of healing on the Sabbath is raised, and with it the issue of the Pharisees’ hypocrisy and the absolutely critical fact of the divinity of Jesus, granting him authority to reinterpret the Sabbath and so drawing him ever closer to the cross [ .. ]
