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King James Audio Bible | KJV | The King James Version

Feature | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Living Psalms | Historical Context, Thematic Richness, Liturgical Significance | King James Audio Bible | Psalms KJV

The psalms, ancient anthology of religious poetry, offer a profound exploration into the human condition, spiritual longing, and divine transcendence. The psalms stand as testament to the enduring power of faith and expression across centuries and cultures [ … ]

John Donne | Holy Sonnets | At The Round Earth's Imagined Corners | Christian Poem
Jesus | King David | Boy | Child | Temple
A Young King David In The Temple | Proclaim The Gospel | Jesus Saves | Favourite Gospel Verses | Christian Faith

Like and share a collection put up on YouTube. In each, a young King David in the Temple offers a Gospel passage – proclaims the Gospel. This thought is intended to imply deep connection between King David, and the heart of Jewish faith, and Jewish history, and the coming of the Lord in Jesus Christ [ … ]

King Herod | Audio Bible | KJV | Oliver Peers | Jesus
Healing Prayer | The Birth of Jesus | Jesus’ Prayer

Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Christian Faith And Prayer | King James Version Bible | Audio KJV

Pray Joy Of Christian Faith | Nativity Of Jesus

King James Version Bible | Psalms | Audio KJV

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Miracles Of Jesus | Healing Prayer With Christ
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Casts Out A Devil From A Boy | Lord, I Believe, Help Thou My Unbelief | Miracles | Prayer For Healing | King James Audio Bible KJV

Jesus returns with Peter and James and John from the mountain of the transfiguration. He finds a scene which is crowded and confused. The scribes are present, arguing with Jesus’ disciples. They are surrounded by many people, who now catch sight of Jesus and rush to greet him. Jesus asks what has happened to create such a hubbub, and we learn that at its focal point there is sickness, in the form of possession, and inability on the part of the disciples to cast the evil out of the child [ … ]

Audio Bible | Jesus Heals A Deaf Man | Oliver Peers
Audio Bible | Jesus Heals The Son Of The Widow Of Nain
Jesus Wept | Death And Resurrection Of Lazarus | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Humanity Of Jesus

The Gospel Of Saint John, Chapter 11 | Jesus Wept | Death And Resurrection Of Lazarus | KJV The account of Lazarus’s death and resurrection in John 11:1-45 is profound [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Temple Tax | Jesus’ Second Announcement Of His Passion | The Coin In The Fish's Mouth | A Teaching Miracle | Christian Freedom, Jewish Law | Audio KJV
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Walks On Water To His Disciples | Signs And Miracles Of Jesus | Meaning Of The Gospels | The Church | Saint Peter's Faith
Daily Bible Verses For Advent & Christmas
Daily Bible Verses | The Purification Of Mary And The Presentation Of Jesus In The Temple | Simeon’s Prophecy | Jesus Was Jewish | Up Family And Faith

The first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke are more than history, as we now understand the term. The narrative captures core truths of the events which took place upon the birth of Jesus. They serve as a mirror in which we discover the meaning of the birth of Jesus and recognize that Jesus came to fulfil the promise of the Old Testament. They reflect the longing of the human heart as we find out about Jesus. To the Christians of Luke’s time, the infancy narrative of Luke’s Gospel offered a lesson in how to persevere in adversity as the Old Law gave way to the New. The attitude of Mary is a model to us all, as we welcome Jesus into our own lives. We marvel just as Joseph and Mary marvelled. Mary’s obedience teaches the way [ … ]

The Baptism Of Jesus By John The Baptist
Audio Bible | Jesus Heals A Leper
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Preaches In Nazareth | Jesus Fasts And Reveals Himself | Fulfilment Of Prophecy | Audio KJV Bible | God The Son | The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me

On the Sabbath, the day of rest and prayer, the Jews would gather in synagogues to recite the Shema and the eighteen blessings, which would be followed by readings from the Book of the Law, the Pentateuch, and from the Prophets. In today’s Gospel verses, Jesus has returned home to Nazareth, where, in the synagogue, he volunteers to read [ … ]

Audio Bible | Jesus Walks On Water
Audio Bible | Jesus' Miracle Of The Loaves And Fishes

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Gethsemane | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Daily Bible Verses | Persecutions Of Christians | Martyrs For Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane | King James Audio Bible | KJV

Jesus teaches us to be bold and to have faith and confidence in the light of persecutions. His listeners are told that, when they are accused, the Spirit will be with them, guiding their words such that they become a living testimony to Jesus. The Christians’ accusers will be unable to answer their words then – the force of their witness will be irresistible [ … ]

Healing Prayer | The Birth of Jesus | Jesus’ Prayer
Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Gethsemane | Prayer | Audio Bible | KJV | King James Version
Prayer With Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane | Agony Of Jesus’ Prayer And The Angel’s Comfort | Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Simple Prayer

In the Garden of Gethsemane, the presence of the angel becomes a symbol of divine comfort and support during Jesus’ moment of utmost agony. As Jesus withdrew a stone’s cast away from his disciples and fell on the ground to pray, sweating blood, the world’s sins and crucifixion-horror pressed heavily upon him [ … ]

King James Audio Bible | Word Aloud | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | KJV
Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Word Aloud | King James Version | Audio Bible | KJV | Jesus

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Parables Of Jesus | Audio KJV | Kingdom Of God

Daily Bible Verses For Lent
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Judgement Day | The Son Of Man Shall Come In Glory | Thirsty, Naked, Sick : Healed, Clothed | Saved In Jesus | Son Of Man

The parables which comprise the eschatological discourse – following the Sermon in the Temple and, on the Mount of Olives, to Christ’s disciples privately – are completed with Christ’s announcement of a rigorous last judgement. The structure of time will be complete. Those who have been true to Christ and his teaching will be admitted to glory. Those who have failed, who have remained in sin, will be forever excluded. There will be justice. Just as we will have implicitly judged ourselves, so Christ will judge [ … ]

Audio Bible | Jesus Is Tempted By Satan
Audio Bible | Lent | Jesus Calls Levi / Matthew
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Shall The Children Fast? | Christian Faith | Christ’s Church | Jesus Christ The Bridegroom | Audio KJV

Many of the Jews of Christ’s time, including the disciples of John the Baptist, followed complicated rituals of fasting and purification, elaborated to the point where they could obscure genuine piety. It is noted that the followers of Christ do not follow such rituals. This must have seemed particularly strange to the followers of John. After all, John foretold Christ’s coming and saw that he was the Messiah as he began his ministry. Later, John’s uncertainty is such that he will send from prison to ask Christ if he is indeed the one who is to come. The reality of Christ present and the manner of his ministry must have been confusing and troubling to the Jews [ … ]

Audio Bible | Ash Wednesday
Audio Bible | Lent | Transfiguration

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Daily Bible Verses For Holy Week
Holy Week | Good Friday | The Passion And Death Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible | KJV

This is the Passion and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. For us all, this is a tremendously saddening and painful part of our Easter journey, as, in a sense, we die again with Jesus to be reborn on Easter Sunday. The church is dark. There is an emptiness to the building as Jesus rests. Through this time, we acknowledge our need for Jesus and pray that he may come again to be with us [ … ]

Audio Bible | Holy Week | Oliver Peers
Audio Bible | Easter | Oliver Peers
Jesus Washes The Disciples’ Feet | The Last Supper | Holy Week | Holy Thursday | Christian Faith | Love | Be Clean From Sin | Washed Pure By God | The Devil Satan

John speaks of the Last Supper in a different way from the Synoptic Gospels. He omits, for example, the institution of the Eucharist, because the other Gospels and Paul have already spoken of this in their accounts of the Last Supper. Through chapters thirteen to seventeen, John gives an extensive account of Jesus’ teaching at the Last Supper, in which Jesus builds on his teachings so far and leads his disciples to a greater understanding of the love that they must share and of the way ahead [ … ]

Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Palm Sunday
Audio Bible | Easter Sunday | Oliver Peers

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Christian Saints | Powerful Prayer With Jesus
Office Of Readings | Monday, Lent Week 1 | From A Sermon By Saint Gregory Nazianzen | Recognize God | You Are A Son Of God

Saint Gregory of Nazianzen speaks of God’s generosity and the responsibility it places on us. Everything we have, he says — our life, our breath, our understanding, our hope — is a gift from God. Even our ability to know God is not something we create but something we receive [ … ]

Saint Augustine | Psalm 60 | Office Of Readings | Lent
Pope Saint Clement I To The Corinthians
Prayers To Saint Gabriel The Archangel | Love Revealed Of Jesus Christ | Christian Prayer With Advent

The Archangel Gabriel is prominently featured in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Gabriel’s first appearance is in the Gospel of Luke, where he appears to Zechariah to announce the birth of his son, John the Baptist. Zechariah questions the angel, and Gabriel responds with the famous words, ‘And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings.’ (Luke 1:19) [ … ]

KJV | Audio Bible | Jesus Teaches The Lord's Prayer | Oliver Peers
Saint Elizabeth | Wife Of Zachariah | Cousin Of Mary | Mother Of John The Baptist

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King James Audio Bible Psalms | KJV

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