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Lord Jesus, Son of God, Pray for me a sinner, Amen - The Jesus Prayer

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Feature | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Daily Bible Verses | The Lord’s Prayer | Our Father | Teach Us To Pray | Saint Teresa Of Avila

We are given different accounts of Jesus teaching his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father, in today’s verses from the Gospel of Luke, and also in the Gospel of Matthew, during the Sermon on the Mount. Here the situation is quite different from that of Matthew. Jesus has been praying, seemingly apart, to his Father, and so it is after this that the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. This is unusual: prayer, especially of the psalms, would have been an integral part of these Jewish people’s daily routine. We are alerted to the Lord’s Prayer being an additional offering, an innovation of grace, and a further initiation for the Christian. The prayer furthermore reflects John the Baptist’s teaching of his disciples. Indeed, a perfectly reasonable translation of the Greek is to say that the disciples of Jesus are asking Jesus to teach them the very same prayer which John taught. We can only speculate as to the extent that Jesus ‘followed after’ John prior to beginning his ministry, during the course of his perfect humanity’s spiritual formation through the hidden years [ … ]

Jesus | Sermon On The Mount | Relaxation | Prayer | Love Revealed | Audio | KJV
Passion | Death | Jesus | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Meditations | Audio Bible | King James Version | KJV
Prayer With Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane | Agony Of Jesus’ Prayer And The Angel’s Comfort | Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Simple Prayer

In the Garden of Gethsemane, the presence of the angel becomes a symbol of divine comfort and support during Jesus’ moment of utmost agony. As Jesus withdrew a stone’s cast away from his disciples and fell on the ground to pray, sweating blood, the world’s sins and crucifixion-horror pressed heavily upon him [ … ]

Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Audio Bible | KJV | Gospels | King James Version
Prayer With Jesus | John's Gospel | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Word Aloud
Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | King James Audio Bible KJV | Prayer With Jesus
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus’ Second Announcement Of The Passion | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

The people are astonished by Jesus, in whom they see the mighty power of God. Straight away, though, Jesus turns to his disciples to tell them of the truth of his Messianic mission. In veiled terms, Jesus announces his passion and death: the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. There is extreme contrast between the people’s, and the disciples’, understanding of how the Messiah shall be, and the reality of Christ’s true mission on Earth, to suffer, to be crucified, and so to ransom mankind, redeeming us from death and sin. There is secret, hidden truth, which only gradually becomes manifest through the course of the Gospels [ … ]

Audio Bible | Saint Peter | El Greco | Oliver Peers
Jesus | Truth, Faith, Money, Sex, Power | God Is Love
Daily Bible Verses | Children Sitting In The Marketplace | Wisdom Is Justified Of Her Children | King James Audio Bible KJV

There is such over-flowing of goodness and joy in our response to Jesus. Faced with such overwhelming power of truth, it is paradoxically to be expected that people will object. We may all have felt a certain closing off at times, a rejection of what might be best in favour of what we know and are accustomed to. Too many of the people of Jesus’ time look set to reject him, just because of who he is and what he represents – i.e. the truth and the new and better way – rather than because of all that he says and does. These people seek evil where there is only good [ … ]

Angels In The Bible | Abraham And Sarah | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Meditations | KJV | Gospel | Prayer | Healing
Listen To The Bible! | Psalms | King James Audio Bible KJV | Love Of Jesus Christ Revealed

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Miracles Of Jesus | Healing Prayer With Christ
Daily Bible Verses | Son Of The Widow Of Nain Restored To Life | Jesus’ Love | King James Audio Bible | KJV

When he saw the young man who had died, and his mother, Jesus had compassion. Compassion means literally to suffer with. This is what Jesus experienced as he entered Nain: Jesus suffered with the young man who had died and with his mother. Then Jesus touched the bier and he restored the young man to life. Jesus said to the man who was dead: Arise [ … ]

Audio Bible | Jesus Heals A Deaf Man | Oliver Peers
Jesus Wept | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Death And Resurrection Of Lazarus | Audio Bible | KJV
Daily Bible Verses | Temple Tax | Jesus’ Second Announcement Of His Passion | The Coin In The Fish’s Mouth | A Teaching Miracle | Christian Freedom, Jewish Law | King James Audio Bible KJV

In Matthew’s Gospel, this is Jesus’ second announcement of his Passion. This time, the reaction of the disciples has mellowed. It is less extreme, while they remain very sorry. The disciples begin to recognize the cross as a necessary step on Jesus’ journey. We may think of our own tears mingled with joy as we contemplate Christ’s sacrifice, for example as we give ourselves in prayer, in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We may also note that the sorrow of the disciples follows upon Jesus’ saying that he will be raised again. Our sorrow as we contemplate Jesus’ death includes the resurrection. We may weep for the necessity and the absolute love and self-giving of Jesus’ sacrifice [ … ]

Daily Bible Verses | Jesus Walks On Water To His Disciples | Signs And Miracles Of Jesus | Meaning Of The Gospels | The Church | Saint Peter's Faith
Daily Bible Verses | Jesus ' First Miracle Of The Loaves And Fish | Audio Verses | Christian Faith | Community | Faith And Trust In Jesus | God The Son
Daily Bible Verses For Advent & Christmas
Prayer To Saint Elizabeth, Wife Of Zachariah, Cousin Of Mary, Mother Of Saint John The Baptist | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Saint Luke’s Gospel | Infancy Narratives Of Jesus | God Is Love

Elizabeth is introduced in Luke 1:5 as a woman ‘of the daughters of Aaron,’ indicating her priestly lineage, which complements her husband Zachariah’s role as a priest ‘of the course of Abia’ (Luke 1:5). Both Elizabeth and Zachariah are described as ‘righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless’ (Luke 1:6). This emphasizes their piety and faithfulness to God’s law. Despite their righteousness, the couple is childless because Elizabeth is barren, and both are advanced in age (Luke 1:7) [ … ]

Audio Bible For Advent | My Yoke Is Easy And My Burden Is Light | Oliver Peers
Audio Bible | Advent | Centurian's Servant | Oliver Peers
Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | The Visitation | Christian Faith | Jesus Prayer And Happiness | Blessed Mary, Mother Of God

Mary has expressed complete obedience to the angel Gabriel and to the will of God, declaring herself the handmaid of the Lord. Now she shows her love and compassion for her cousin and friend as she travels with haste to visit Elizabeth, who, she has learnt from Gabriel, is miraculously pregnant, despite her age [ … ]

Audio Bible | Epiphany | Gospel Matthew | 3 Kings | Three Wise Men
Epiphany | Christmas | Magi | Three Kings | Wise Men | Audio KJV Bible | Oliver Peers

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Gethsemane | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ
Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Gethsemane | Relaxing Prayer And Meditation With Jesus In Gethsemane | Audio Bible

In these Gospel verses, Jesus goes to the Mount of Olives with his disciples, and at a particular place, Jesus separates himself to pray. Jesus urges his disciples to pray against temptation. In his prayer, Jesus expresses his desire for the cup of suffering to be removed but ultimately submits to God’s will. An angel appears from heaven to strengthen Jesus, and Jesus prays with such intensity that his sweat becomes like drops of blood falling to the ground [ … read more and listen … ]

Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ In The Garden Of Gethsemane | Jesus Sweats Blood
King James Audio Bible | Word Aloud | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | KJV
Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | King James Audio Bible | KJV | Word Aloud | Love Revealed By Jesus | Gethsemane

As I meditate upon the love of Jesus Christ, I am struck by its boundlessness and its depth. His love is not limited by time or space, nor is it conditional upon our worthiness. Jesus loves us simply because we are his creation, his beloved children. In Jesus’ love, there is no fear, no judgment, only grace and mercy [ … ]

A Healing Prayer With Jesus For Lent
Prayer with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane | Meditations on the love of Jesus Christ

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Daily Bible Verses | Parables Of Jesus
Parables Of Jesus | Parable of the Good Samaritan | King James Audio Bible | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Jesus works so hard to overcome division and to bring people together. Jesus always in his teaching is breaking down the petty divisions that keep people apart: he drives a sword through ready made social definitions and prejudice, saying instead that we are all human beings, called to be together and to be with God, as God’s chosen [ … ]

Audio Bible | Parables | Oliver Peers
Audio Bible | Parables | Oliver Peers | Parable Of The Sower
Parable Of The Wicked Tenants | Parables Of Jesus | Parables Of The Kingdom | Daily Verses Lent | KJV Audio

Jesus offers the parable of the wicked tenants as part of a larger discourse in which he responds, in the Temple, to the challenge of the scribes and the elders of the people concerning his authority. The parable leads the entrenched Jewish authorities to see the truth for themselves and yet still to reject the truth about themselves. Though their lives could have been enlightened by the parable, they refuse conversion and rather seek to arrest Jesus. They have the option to choose good; they choose evil [ … ]

Audio Bible | Parable Of The Talents | Oliver Peers
Audio Bible | Parable Of The Ten Virgins Wise And Foolish | Oliver Peers
Daily Bible Verses For Lent
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | The Sign Of Jonah | Circumcision Of The Heart | God And Mission | True God From True God

The crowds gather to see and to hear Jesus. Among them, as Matthew relates in his Gospel (Matthew 12: 38-42), are the scribes and Pharisees, who ask for a sign from Jesus to prove his divinity. Jesus refuses to confirm his preaching with dramatic signs. It is his teaching Jesus wishes the people to hear. Through seeking to taunt Jesus, and through their unbelief, the scribes and the Pharisees express the hardness of their hearts. Christ is present to them and they refuse to see. Christ is speaking to them and they refuse to hear. Through the Gospel, we have witnessed Christ’s miracles. And we are called to hear his word. ‘An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.’ [ … ]

KJV Audio Bible | Jesus Casts Out Devils | God And Satan | Oliver Peers
Audio Bible | Wicked Tennants
Daily Bible Verses For Lent | Judgement Day | The Son Of Man Shall Come In Glory | Thirsty, Naked, Sick : Healed, Clothed | Saved In Jesus | Son Of Man

The parables which comprise the eschatological discourse – following the Sermon in the Temple and, on the Mount of Olives, to Christ’s disciples privately – are completed with Christ’s announcement of a rigorous last judgement. The structure of time will be complete. Those who have been true to Christ and his teaching will be admitted to glory. Those who have failed, who have remained in sin, will be forever excluded. There will be justice. Just as we will have implicitly judged ourselves, so Christ will judge [ … ]

Jesus Wept | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Death And Resurrection Of Lazarus | Audio Bible | KJV
Audio Bible | Lent | Jesus Denounces The Scribes & Pharisees

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Daily Bible Verses For Holy Week
Holy Week | Good Friday | The Passion And Death Of Jesus | King James Audio Bible | KJV

This is the Passion and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. For us all, this is a tremendously saddening and painful part of our Easter journey, as, in a sense, we die again with Jesus to be reborn on Easter Sunday. The church is dark. There is an emptiness to the building as Jesus rests. Through this time, we acknowledge our need for Jesus and pray that he may come again to be with us [ … ]

Audio Bible | Holy Week | Oliver Peers
Audio Bible | Easter | Oliver Peers
Jesus Washes The Disciples’ Feet | The Last Supper | Holy Week | Holy Thursday | Christian Faith | Love | Be Clean From Sin | Washed Pure By God | The Devil Satan

John speaks of the Last Supper in a different way from the Synoptic Gospels. He omits, for example, the institution of the Eucharist, because the other Gospels and Paul have already spoken of this in their accounts of the Last Supper. Through chapters thirteen to seventeen, John gives an extensive account of Jesus’ teaching at the Last Supper, in which Jesus builds on his teachings so far and leads his disciples to a greater understanding of the love that they must share and of the way ahead [ … ]

Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ | Palm Sunday
Audio Bible | Easter Sunday | Oliver Peers

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Christian Saints | Powerful Prayer With Jesus
Daily Bible Verses | The Lord’s Prayer | Our Father | Teach Us To Pray | Saint Teresa Of Avila

We are given different accounts of Jesus teaching his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father, in today’s verses from the Gospel of Luke, and also in the Gospel of Matthew, during the Sermon on the Mount. Here the situation is quite different from that of Matthew. Jesus has been praying, seemingly apart, to his Father, and so it is after this that the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. This is unusual: prayer, especially of the psalms, would have been an integral part of these Jewish people’s daily routine. We are alerted to the Lord’s Prayer being an additional offering, an innovation of grace, and a further initiation for the Christian. The prayer furthermore reflects John the Baptist’s teaching of his disciples. Indeed, a perfectly reasonable translation of the Greek is to say that the disciples of Jesus are asking Jesus to teach them the very same prayer which John taught. We can only speculate as to the extent that Jesus ‘followed after’ John prior to beginning his ministry, during the course of his perfect humanity’s spiritual formation through the hidden years [ … ]

Saint Elizabeth | Wife Of Zachariah | Cousin Of Mary | Mother Of John The Baptist
Daily Bible Verses | The Martyrdom Of John The Baptist | Witness Jesus | Christian Faith | Herod's Lust And Evil | Herodias | Christian Saints
Prayer To Saint Valentine | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ | Audio King James Bible | KJV

Saint Valentine is believed to have been a Christian priest in Rome during the reign of Emperor Claudius II, also known as Claudius Gothicus, in the third century. At that time, the Roman Empire was engaged in various military campaigns, and Claudius was having difficulty recruiting soldiers. Believing that unmarried men made better soldiers, he issued an edict prohibiting young men from marrying. The emperor thought that marriage would make men emotionally attached and therefore less willing to leave for war [ … ]

Prayer To Saint Christopher | Love Of Jesus Christ Revealed | Audio Bible KJV
Saint Mark | Gospel | Ten Commandments | Decalogue | Jesus And Jewish Law | Audio Bible | Word Aloud

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